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One Degree Hotter: Celebrities Going Back to School (Megan Thee Stallion, Emma Watson, Kim Kardashian and More)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

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Megan Thee Stallion rocking that postgraduate glow. Inspires fans to pursue their dreams no matter how big or small. Image from pmnewsnigeria.com

Trends may come and go but there is one that should stay: celebrities going back to school. It may come as a surprise that celebrities are getting their degrees since establishing successful careers in the industry. However, this trend is nothing new. 

More specifically, women are kicking up the heat and getting those hot girl degrees. It is inspiring yet also uncommon to see chart-topping artists such as Megan Thee Stallion and social media moguls such as Kim Kardashian, pursue a college education. 

I can only imagine the workload these women juggle on a daily basis; attempting to entertain their followers, creating engaging content, all the while maintaining their personal lives. 

Yet these factors are not enough to satiate these high accomplishing women. 

Education is an Asset 

Growing up, my great-grandmother used to say: “People can take your money, assets and loved ones from you. However, no one can take your knowledge from you”. Looking at celebrities’ celebratory graduate posts, I was reminded of this gentle yet bold phrase. 

In any situation, your health, personal life or assets may be compromised. However, these women have stated that a life of stardom is not fulfilling. 

Celebrities and Their Focus On School 

In many cases, people are wondering what exactly these celebrities are studying? 

Rapper, Meg Thee Stallion, got her bachelor’s degree in Health Administration at Texas Southern University. When asked about her decision to go back to university, the rapper said that she went back to school due to a family situation. Megan revealed her motivating factor was to make her mother proud since her passing in 2019 of cancer. However, her legacy at Texas Southern University doesn’t stop there. In fact, Megan helped establish the Megan Fund, a scholarship for students made through tax-deductible donations. 

The next celebrity who has mastered her classes both on the set of Harry Potter and at Brown University, is none other than Emma Watson. You may know her as the bright-eyed, brash Hermoine Granger. Hollywood still associates Emma Watson with the same demeanor and class as her whimsical character. 

Her pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in English Literature has revealed a deep admiration and advocacy for education. Watson strives to educate people on worldly issues such as gender inequality. She also deeply encourages people to take advantage of the opportunities higher education can provide. 

Another celebrity who has been buried in the books recently is none other than Kim Kardashian. Although the socialite is not getting a degree from a state-accredited law school, the state of California allows two passed bar exams to be taken in place. She states she was first inspired from her late father and famed lawyer, Rob Kardashian. Kardashian hopes to honor his craft by bringing justice to the community. 

In late 2021 Kardashian announced passing the baby bar exam in 2021 after almost two years of rigorous studying. Kardashian is currently studying for her second bar exam; hoping to practice law advocating and fighting for social issues. Such issues include criminal justice reform, akin to Alice Marie Johnson’s case. This case involved her early release from a life sentence involving a nonviolent federal drug case. 

What Message Are They Sending?

When many students are stuck questioning their path academically and professionally, these celebrities are now sending a message to their fellow scholars. 

The path to a plentiful life does not have a specific timeline or limit. Megan Thee Stallion, Emma Watson and Kim Kardashian all demonstrate there is no limit on success. The limelight has only further influenced them to gain more knowledge throughout the years. 

The greatest success above all is constantly improving yourself. 

These exemplary figures in pop culture are bringing more than platinum records and box office hits. They are encouraging young women to see their visions through and that there is no force that is big enough to stop them

Let us know what hot girl degree you’re getting @HerCampusSJSU  

20 year old Kinesiology student at SJSU looking to explore writing as a creative outlet.