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Making the Most of Shorter Fall Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

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Falling back to shorter days by moving time one hour earlier. Image from Ottawasafetycouncil.ca

We all sometimes wish there were more hours in a day. The Daylight Saving Time that ended on November 6 gave us just that. There is suddenly an extra hour again, which means more sleep and possibly more productivity, but it can quickly become lethargic as the sun sets sooner which preps your body and mind to wind down. 

As days feel shorter and gloomier, early, cold nights can feel depressing and unmotivating. Dealing with shorter days is not easy (even for night owls like me), and it can affect your physical and mental health. While it’s tough, here are some ways to make the most out of those shorter fall days:

Adjust Your Routine

You heard that right. This is the time to start opening those curtains earlier to let in the sun and brighten up your space. Adjusting any routine can be difficult, but why not seize the opportunity to use the extra hour and finally fix that sleep schedule? 

Find a new method that motivates you to wind down earlier like having chamomile tea before bed or reading a book, but falling back on old habits should not be one of them!

Get Outside and Exercise!

There is only so much sunlight in the day, and it keeps getting shorter as the fall days go on. Take advantage of the limited sunlight and embrace a new fitness routine or challenge.

Activities like running or hiking often become much more appealing during cooler temperatures. I love grabbing some friends to hike a trail with me. Even just 30 minutes of walking each day in the sun is a great way to maintain a healthy level of Vitamin D that we all need.

Holiday Eating

If there’s one thing I enjoy about having shorter fall and winter days, it’s all the yummy, warm food that gets laid on the table. Certain seasonal foods make my heart happy.

Hot chocolate and warm soups just fill up the soul and fuel the body. Pies and roasted meats on Thanksgiving are also a great way to combat darker days, especially with loved ones. More delicious options for the colder season can be found here.

Learn Something New

As the days become shorter, it may also mean staying indoors longer. Teach yourself something that you’ve been dying to learn. 

Whether it be doing yoga, building a website, reading, cooking, or anything else in mind, having your brain occupied with a potential new hobby or skill can remove that slump.

Treat Yourself and Relax

Sometimes, we can’t help but want to lie in bed and cozy up in a weighted blanket after seeing the gloominess of the clouds, which is totally ok. You deserve it!

Taking a warm bath and treating yourself with a face mask, a movie, or some dessert can enhance your emotional well-being and give your body rest after a long day.

What are some ways that help you optimize shorter fall days? 

Let us know @HerCampusSJSU.

Hi! I'm Janice, and I'm a fourth year business marketing major at SJSU. I love exploring new food places, hanging out with friends, video games, reading and doing portrait photography. Thank you for reading through my stories!