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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

So yeah, we’re 6+ weeks into the school year, and with midterm season comes a flood of studying, stress and a sudden extreme lack of time. If you’re like me, your schedule is always changing between work, exams, and extracurriculars. So how do we find the balance and stability we need to maintain our mental health? Here are a few tips to find a way to balance all you want to do without going insane (which college will definitely do to you if you let it).

1. Plan your days

Now I’m not talking plan every single second, but my planner is my life saver. Most likely the second you got your syllabi you started filling in due dates in your planner. If anything just so you wouldn’t have to think about it again. However, don’t just limit your planner to school! Put your work shifts, social events you want to go to, extracurricular meetings, and even times when you want to set aside a good 1 hour chunk to nap. Writing out your activities ahead of time will make it so easy for you to just glance at how your week looks as a whole, and than move forward without having to stress about forgetting something because it’s already written down!

*Extra tip: Color code different categories of events! (Ex. Work = pink, School = green,

Clubs = blue, Social events = purple)

 2. Be present!

Sometimes, especially at really busy times of the year, it’s hard to do one thing without a million other things racing through your mind. Yet, actually this is what increases your stress rather than taking it away. If we would all just make a more conscious effort to be present with whatever we are doing as opposed to trying to multitask, it would be WAY less stressful. When you decide to do one thing (hang out with your friends/boyfriend, study, or even sleeping) if we dedicate all of our focus onto what we are doing, and leave all the other stresses aside not only will our focus be better, but we’ll enjoy our time more. Being present is the key to not missing out on life simply because you are so busy with the stresses life brings you.

3. Make time for people you love.

 As I have said above, setting aside your time and making sure to make the best of that time is key. Yet, if you spend all your time studying, working, and taking an ungodly amount of coffee you will never find time to breathe. I find that calling my mom, having lunch with friend or going home to visit my boyfriend for a day helps me mentally so much. Even if it’s only 30 minutes, talking to people who support you and believe in you will give you a new motivation to push through and make them proud as well as make yourself proud. Life is challenging connecting with someone outside of the chaos of your college life can ease the stress you may feel submerged in whether it be your spouse, your boyfriend, family or your friends.

 4. Find a quiet space.

No, not a quiet place to study. A truly quiet place away from the noise of school, work and extracurricular. This could be your room, a certain show on Netflix, a coffee shop or just when you get to sleep. Finding this time where maybe it is not physically quiet. A place that silences the rushing of stressful activities and difficulties. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, give yourself a health escape from the crazy college life. Take a walk or just lay down so your brain can have a break!

Overall, if you try and work these 4 simple rules into your life when things get way too stressful, you’ll find some relief and balance (I hope) among the chaos as I do by following these rules.


I am a writer and poet from the Bay Area who will be newly attending San Jose State University this fall semester to study Psychology. I want to become a marriage and family therapist, and dedicate my life to helping people through words and communication, two skills which are as vital to all writers. I want to write about things that matter, things that have an impact, and I intend to do so.
Tiana is a senior at San Jose State University and she is learning to take each day one step at a time while adjusting to life in the Bay Area. She's often watching YouTube videos on D.I.Y projects or hair care, but majority of the time she's watching Parks and Rec episodes while pretending to do homework. In the midst of all that homework dodging she's also casually planning her dream wedding.