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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

The Spring 2018 semester is almost coming to an end. Right now we are all battling mix feelings knowing that the semester will conclude in around four more weeks. Yikes!  You are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but now your procrastination is catching up to you. You have reached that time in the semester where you realized you have four weeks left to complete last minute assignments. You are finding yourself calculating what you need to get in the final in order to pass the class you do not feel confident in or the class that you have been slacking off since it seems easy but it turns out not to be as easy as you thought. You are also about to schedule an appointment with your professor at his/her office hour and pleading your case on why you deserve to pass your class or what you can do to be guaranteed a passing grade.

Don’t worry if there is one thing us college students can do is sympathize with each other and become a procrastination warrior. Here are little tips for you to finish the semester strong.

Tip #1: For starters, take a deep breath and remember you have four weeks, not four days left until finals. This is the perfect time to pull out your dusty planner/calendar that you had hidden under your bed and put it to good use. You can go on canvas and write out your upcoming assignments and put them on their due dates as well as write out the date and time of your class finals. This is a way to stay organized and place check marks on completed assignments.

Tip #2: Start filling in your study guide and begin to study. Some professors have their study guide already posted on canvas. You can print it out and start reviewing bits and pieces of it so you won’t have to cram the night before the final. If your professor has not given your class a study guide then start to review your notes that way you can ask questions about the material you do not understand.

Tip #3: If you are feeling overwhelmed remember you will be a free bird at the end of May and will plan new adventures with your friends and family. What better way to celebrate after working hard in school and feeling confident about passing your classes than a summer vacation getaway.

You are almost done, guys! Fight through the end of the semester and kick butt in finals!

I am an aspiring broadcast journalists working hard to fulfill my dream career. I come a big Mexican family and was always taught to work hard for what I want, nothing will ever be handed to me. I also learned that there is no one I need to prove myself to except for me. I am finishing my studies at SJSU, majoring in journalism with an academic focus in Spanish. I come from a Spanish speaking background and hope to utilize my Spanish in my future career as a journalist. After college I plan to find a place in the entertainment industry and host numerous red carpets and also go back to school and get into the field of real estate. Real estate you may ask? Yes, real estate, I have many things I want to do in life because I am not a person who only settles on one thing. If I had a super power I would choose being in many places at once. I want to earn many academic degrees, visit many countries and learn a piece of their culture, meet new people all over the world, travel and make an impact in the world for the good. While my mind goes crazy with many ideas, I like to relax at home while drinking and tasting different wines, laying in bed and binge watching shows on Netflix.
Shellise West is the current campus correspondent at San Jose State University. Majoring in journalism with a minor in radio, television and film she plans to not fall short of fulfilling her dream as a sports reporter. A Bay Area native her hobbies include singing, dancing and listening to music. Follow Shellise on Twitter @SoulfulPenned.