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Date Ideas to Have a Romantic Valentine’s Day in a Long Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Being in a long-distance relationship is difficult. With Valentine’s Day coming up, not being able to be physically close to the person you love can make it tough. Ultimately, Valentine’s Day is a day for you to take time and be grateful for that special someone in your life. Here are some ways to still have a love-filled day even if you are not together in person.

The first and most crucial part is setting aside time for your person. Life is extremely busy, so it is really important to slow down and dedicate an hour or two to spending quality time with your person over your favorite form of video chatting. Here are some things you can do together:

1. Check-in.

It is so easy to fall into the routine of being on the phone and not really talking. Oftentimes, I have found in my relationship, we text each other throughout the day so by the time we are on the phone, we don’t talk about much and spend the time getting things done. While this might be okay for every day, it doesn’t give you the chance to truly spend quality time with each other. 

Do an emotional check-in with each other. Talk about your relationship, and things that have been good and things you could do better. One of my favorite questions that my partner and I ask each other when checking in is; “How can I better support you this week?” This allows your needs to be met, and your partner doesn’t have to try to read your mind. 

2. Build a playlist.

One of the few things the entire human race seems to love and connect with is music. People have been using music to express their love for centuries. We have all dreamt about receiving a mixtape from someone with songs to express their love, just like in the movies. 

Utilize the collaborative feature on Spotify and build a playlist together that you can both have to listen to. This can include songs that are significant in your relationship, songs that remind you of each other and favorite songs in general.

3. Go out to eat.

With the amazing technology we have today you can still go on a dinner date, even when you are long distance. Each of you pick a favorite place in your area, go sit and eat together.  If sitting in a restaurant is not for you, then get the food to go or make your favorite and eat it picnic style. 

4.  Write letters.

I don’t know what it is, but receiving mail is one of the most fun things. Ever since I was a child, going to the mailbox to see if I had received mail has always been a very exciting activity, and I am sure this is a universal opinion. 

 Sit together and write each other letters, but don’t share what is in them. Send them to each other so you each get a fun surprise on a later date. If you both enjoy the experience, maybe make it a regular activity. Plus, how cool is it to be able to have a memory like that to be able to look back on later in life. 

5. Watch a movie.

Personally, one of the activities I miss doing most with my partner since being long distance is cuddling up and watching a movie or TV show. I always feel safer in my partner’s arms and the physical touch acts as a great stress reliever.

Take advantage of the screen sharing option on Zoom and stream a rom-com or start a TV series together. Gather up some favorite snacks and maybe send each other a sweatshirt that smells like you, so you can feel as close to each other as possible. If you really want to recreate the feeling of cuddling, try using a weighted blanket and a heating pad to emulate physical touch. 

6.        Plan a date.

Being apart from your partner can be very difficult and get lonely from time to time. You can do as much as you can to connect with your partner on a daily basis through technology and try to recreate the feeling of getting to see them in person, but ultimately nothing is better than spending quality time together. 

Give yourselves something to look forward to by planning a date to go on next time you are together. Each of you can be in charge of a different aspect of the date, one person in charge of food and the other in charge of the activity.

Hopefully, these ideas help make your Valentine’s Day a little more special.

Share the dates you go on in your LDR this Valentine’s Day with @Hercampussjsu!

I am a 4th year at San Jose State University pursuing a B.S. in Biology with a concentration in Microbiology. I enjoy being in nature, taking photos, and reading in my free time.