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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Earlier this month, I moved out of my house and into my college apartment. While packing I discovered how much stuff I actually own! It was crazy. With every drawer that opened, 7 new things came out. 

After much analysis of why I own so much, I realized I tried to make myself happy by buying things. Personally, I thrive in the company of others. When I lacked that, I filled those spaces with things. I sat down and looked over my finances and realized how much of my monthly paycheck from March 2020 to June 2021 went towards frivolous things like Amazon, photography, clothing stores, and other superficial things that just weren’t as important as they seemed to be.

When I moved into my new place, I saw how all of my things filled my bedroom and living room to the brim. This made me realize a change was not only necessary but crucial. The financial decisions I make now, help govern my choices as an independent adult. I decided to make a change for myself.

I started by opening a savings account. Now any money I earn 70% goes immediately to savings so I can’t touch it. I let myself go on Amazon once a week now, same with other online shopping websites. Obviously being on campus and seeing my friends again has helped me financially, but this process of spending money only when I need to has helped me get a handle on how much I make and how much I spend. 

In the end, I don’t regret any of my purchases because the things I bought still make me happy, but now every purchase has to have a need.

Anika is a second year at SJSU with a Major in International Business and a Minor in Advertising. She is the Vice President of the Marketing Association and is also a Peer Mentor at SJSU. She loves fashion and adventure and loves to write about both!