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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Comparison is the thief of joy. This is the new quote I have implemented in my life and is the quote I want to remember every time I find myself comparing my life, body, or success to someone else. 

Happiness is a roller coaster and something that many want to achieve. I’ve seen interviews where people are asked what they want in life and most answers are to be happy. But you find happiness in different aspects of your life. I am happiest when I am at the gym, spending time with the people I love, and when I am at the beach. This list goes on and on.

I acknowledge that I am now in my junior year of college and I’m proud of how hard I have worked to be a first-generation college student and soon be the first in my family to graduate from college. The time and dedication I have put into receiving this degree have not gone unnoticed by my parents and I am truly grateful for that.

But the uncertainty of life after college is a constant thought in my head. Many want a job straight out of college, I know I do, but it isn’t always promised. The fear of failure is always in my head. 

Another fear constantly running through my head is not being financially stable in the future. The way California and our economy are with the rise in prices, makes me fear for my future. 

But I remind myself that everything will take its course and everything will be okay. 

I am 20 soon to be 21. I feel like time is moving quickly. I see myself getting older along with my parents and my younger sister. Seeing your parents grow old is the worst. I am thankful for every year I get to spend their birthday with them but also saddened that they are growing old. But seeing your younger siblings grow up is bittersweet. You can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them.

Life is indeed so interesting. People are coming in and out of our lives. Many people are staying with us. Events and experiences shape us into who we are. I am grateful for the life I am given, the life I will have in the future, and the people who are currently in my life. 

What are some things that make you happy and grateful? Let us know @HerCampusSJSU!

Hello, my name is Ariana and I am a sophomore at San Jose State University. I am a business major and in my free time, I love weightlifting at the gym. Let's be friends! Instagram: axoliva