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5 Reasons Graham-Cassidy Healthcare is more Stressful than Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

If you’ve seen the news lately, you’ve probably noticed that there’s alot going on with healthcare. The newest bill, drafted by the GOP, or Republican party to repeal ObamaCare (or the Affordable Care Act) is called the Graham-Cassidy bill.

Here’s a few reasons why this revision to American healthcare is even worse than that impossible exam you have to take this week.

  1. It threatens to take away healthcare from millions of Americans.


Exams just threaten to take away those good grades. Or your sanity. Am I right ladies?

    2. It might defund planned parenthood. Sometimes the only way women (especially us broke college gals) can get the specialized healthcare we need. And it’s way more permanent than a bad grade.

    3. It’s made by a bunch of men yet it has everything to do with women. Just like how your exam has everything to do with the part of the reading you skimmed over…the most important voices on this issue are getting ignored.


    4. It reinforces the lack of healthcare in the middle and lower classes that was even more prevalent before the Affordable Care Act. I mean, didn’t we solve this problem before? Why is on the test twice?

    5. There’s no focus on it. Amongst the comments about NBA and NFL players by our president, the devastation of this act gets lost in translation. You know, like those calculus formulas you tried so hard to memorize.


Overall, this bill sucks for the majority of Americans. Regardless of your political views, we all need healthcare. If you want to prevent a large number of Americans from losing their healthcare, or simply just want to put in your two cents, call your representatives (who you can find at whoismyrepresentative.com.)



I am a writer and poet from the Bay Area who will be newly attending San Jose State University this fall semester to study Psychology. I want to become a marriage and family therapist, and dedicate my life to helping people through words and communication, two skills which are as vital to all writers. I want to write about things that matter, things that have an impact, and I intend to do so.
Tiana is a senior at San Jose State University and she is learning to take each day one step at a time while adjusting to life in the Bay Area. She's often watching YouTube videos on D.I.Y projects or hair care, but majority of the time she's watching Parks and Rec episodes while pretending to do homework. In the midst of all that homework dodging she's also casually planning her dream wedding.