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5 Pieces of Advice About SJSU from Graduating Seniors

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

As a last semester senior, I have a lot of mixed feelings. Looking back on my time in college, I was able to have the most fulfilling experience, and I truly have no regrets. I genuinely feel that I made the most of San Jose State and all that this campus had to offer.

 I met incredible people who played a large role in my personal growth and helped me create memories that I couldn’t forget even if I tried. I am so excited for what the future has to offer me, but I am truly saddened to think about this chapter of my life coming to a close. 

I was lucky enough to have a wonderful time in college, but there is a lot of  information that  I wish I knew before I started. I surveyed soon to be graduates  to see what advice they had for future and current college students, and the insight they provided was very useful. 

College can be an exciting and stressful time, but I hope that the advice these seniors gave motivates you to make the most of your time in college.

Get involved!

There are so many ways to get involved on your college campus, whether it is through joining a club, getting an on-campus job,internships, playing a sport, joining Greek life, or any other organization. 

Getting involved on campus will allow you to meet so many like-minded people. I got to make so many friends through joining organizations like Her Campus at SJSU, Greek life, and the Public Health Honors Society. 

Although you can still easily make connections without being part of organizations or getting a job, being integrated into the campus community is still a large contributor to a positive college experience. 

Becoming an involved student also provides opportunities for professional development through holding positions in clubs or making connections that can advance your career. There are numerous benefits to joining on-campus organizations and taking advantage of your college’s employment opportunities. 

Tuition is expensive, so you might as well get your money’s worth and utilize your campus resources to the fullest extent.

You do not need straight A’s to be successful in college

When you are in high school, you are taught that having straight A’s is the key to success. I remember always hearing “your college professors would never tolerate this.” throughout high school, and it terrified me. 

In reality, high school and college education are practically incomparable. High school grades determine what colleges will accept you, but depending on the major, colleges just require you to pass your classes to obtain the degree. 

College grades are still important, and most colleges still recognize their students for maintaining a high GPA, but getting a lower grade every now and then will not be the end of the world. 

No matter what, you will still get your degree as long as you pass your classes, so there is no need to lose your mind over a grade that you likely won’t even remember. 

Time management is crucial

One aspect of college that I did not consider before my first semester was how to manage my time. Instead of having your entire Monday-Friday mornings and afternoons blocked out like high school, you get to establish your own schedule and choose your own classes and times. 

Everything is in your control and you have a lot more free time than high school schedules permitted. The way you choose to spend your free time determines a lot of your college experience. 

It is important to make time to stay on top of schoolwork, to see friends, and for self care. The amount of free time can be overwhelming at first, but occupying yourself during that time with an equal amount of productivity and fulfilling experiences will set you up for success. 

Explore your college town

Some days, I would dread being in my college town. I would complain about downtown San Jose and how little I felt the city had to offer, especially since I grew up here. 

Now that I am about to graduate, I wish I took advantage of everything that my college town had. Although some college towns may be considered boring or small, there are always hidden gems and beautiful places where memories can be made. 

You can find your favorite spots in town, such as local coffee shops for studying or a special viewpoint that you can only find in your college city. I already know I’m going to miss every little thing about SJSU’s campus, whether it’s having picnics on tower lawn or getting House of Bagels in the morning. 

Someday, you won’t be living there anymore, and the city will just be a memory, so it’s important to make the most of it while you can. 

Nothing is that deeP

College is the center of your world once you’re in it. College becomes your whole entire life, and with that situations may feel a lot more impactful than they really are. Whether it is a bad midterm grade or a falling out with a friend, the feelings associated with the situation tend to be magnified.

 College feels like your whole world at the moment but realistically, most of the things we worry about won’t be relevant as time goes on. There are countless times when I had breakdowns over situations that are not important to me in the slightest anymore. 

Most of these issues will be forgotten within a week, so just remember that whatever situation you’re stressing about probably won’t matter to you in due time. 

College is one of the most enriching experiences if you make the most of what your campus has to offer. I met people who have helped me grow in numerous ways while simultaneously creating some of the best memories for me to look back on. 

I could not have asked for a better college experience, and I will be forever grateful for everything that San Jose State gave me. I hope that this advice was helpful and please share your college tips with us on Instagram, @HerCampusSJSU 

Hello everyone! My name is Bella Phan and I am a fourth year studying Public Health at San Jose State University! I have always loved to write and I am so excited to be continuing that passion with Her Campus at SJSU.