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4 Tips on How to Be Less Stressed During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

It’s that time of year again when we are so close to being done with school yet we have to get over the grueling slump which is finals. Finals are hard and they make us want to pull our hair out, yet we have to go through it to get to the sweet release which is Christmas break. To get through your finals, here are a few tips to stay cool, calm and collected And to also finish strong!

  1. Breathe in, breathe out: studying for finals can be a huge stress on our already crazy lives, so it’s good to remember to always take deep breaths while you’re studying. Taking time to deep breathe and recollect your thoughts helps to better your studying and also makes it less daunting and horrible. Put the pen down and take a deep breathe and breathe out.

  2. Take a break: taking short breaks will definitely help you study better. Taking time to walk around, get some food and relax makes studying less horrible and gives you time to focus on the most important thing, you! 

  3. Listen to calm music: if you’re like me, you probably can’t study without some noise in the background. For me, I always put on relaxing music or ambient sounds while I’m studying to help me through it. It will ease your mind and definitely calm your heart rate down so you can get as much studying done as you need!

  4. Remember your worth: this one might sound super cheesy, but reminding yourself through your study session that you are smart and important helps a great deal. Reminding yourself of your worth will make studying less serious and can also prompt you to study harder! Knowing that you are a smart individual helps a great deal!

These are just a few relaxation tips I use when I am studying for finals and I hope it helps you as well! Just remember you are smart and bright and good luck on finals!

Tiana is a senior at San Jose State University and she is learning to take each day one step at a time while adjusting to life in the Bay Area. She's often watching YouTube videos on D.I.Y projects or hair care, but majority of the time she's watching Parks and Rec episodes while pretending to do homework. In the midst of all that homework dodging she's also casually planning her dream wedding.