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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

Contrary to popular belief, Bagelsaurus is not a bread-loving T-rex. Although “carbivores” would have been a great addition to the prehistoric era, Bagelsaurus is a Cambridge bagel shop, and it’s serving up some of the best doughy morsels in the Northeast!


“Magical land of magical bagels. Magical cream cheese, magical sandwiches,” said Justin Leatherwood in an online review. After trying them myself, I have to agree. The menu was as diverse as bagels can get: twelve different kinds from black olive, to cinnamon, cheddar garlic and more. With five cream cheeses and toppings galore, there were even more opportunities to get creative. I opted for a simple flavor: sea salt with plain cream cheese (I know I’m lame, but in my defense, it’s a classic and you have to start somewhere right?). After ordering, I had just barely managed to plop into a chair when my name was called, signifying my already finished bagel – talk about speedy service!


Luckily I was able to snap a quick photo before drooling all over the place, because this bagel was a thing of true beauty. The first bite was a perfect balance of crispy outside, soft and chewy inside, and smoothly blended cream cheese on top. Normally I regret a bagel to start the day, as they’re unfortunately known to leave you feeling hungry later, but Bagelsaurus had me full and quaint all day.

Image Credit to Her Campus Simmons


Bagelsaurus is located at Porter Square, Cambridge, MA (1796 Massachusetts Avenue to be exact.) They’re open Monday through Friday from 7AM-3PM and 8AM-3PM over the weekend. Best times to go are during weekdays, or earlier in the morning due to long lines that are known to go out the door and around the corner. Bagelsaurus has quite the rep and often sells out of bagels entirely before closing up shop, so go prepared. As far as pricing goes, bagels are $2.50 and cream cheese is $1.50, a small price to pay for mind-blowing meal.


Overall, Bagelsaurus gets a five-star rating from me. The prices are great, service is quick and friendly, and the bagels speak for themselves. Quite frankly I’m not even upset that Bagelsaurus isn’t closer because I’d be in serious financial trouble. Should you find yourself in Cambridge, or merely on the hunt for a new breakfast spot, be sure to put Bagelsaurus on your list!



Helen Ruhlin

Simmons '21

Second-year student from Maine at Simmons University. Currently undeclared, usually lost, perpetually happy!