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Rossi Fish

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

Rossi Fish
Hometown: North Attleboro, MA
Graduation Year: 2014
Major/Minor: Biology/Pre-med
Involvement on Campus: Member of the volleyball & basketball teams
Favorite thing about Simmons: Being right in the middle of Boston!
Favorite place in Boston: The North End
Ideal dream date: Something fun and different from your typical “dinner & a movie,” maybe something like an amusement park for a day or a Celtics game.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years:  Definitely living in New England, no other place like it. Hopefully with a job that I don’t mind waking up for.
Top 5 songs on your Ipod:
Lonelily- Damien Rice
Long Live- Taylor Swift
Kids- MGMT
You Found Me- The Fray
Daylight- Matt and Kim
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why: Italy. I’ve always wanted to see Rome and Venice- The Colosseum and the Grand Canal.
Favorite movie of all time: Ten Things I Hate About You
Favorite quote: “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
– Winston Churchill

Krista Evans is a junior at Simmons College. She is a double major in Political Science and History, and also minoring in Business Metrics. Born in Birmingham, AL, she moved at a young age to north Alabama where she still lives today. Aside from being far from home, she loves everything Boston has to offer, including the cold weather! At Simmons, she is Secretary of her class (2012), a member of the volleyball team, SAAC representative, President of Simmons Republicans, Kembrel Campus Rep, Vice President of Smevans Hall, and on the Student Housing Committee. When she is not busy with school, Krista enjoys shopping, traveling, trying new foods, watching old movies, marking things off her bucket this with her best friend, and dancing. This past summer, Krista worked for Congressman Parker Griffith, where she feel in love with the world of politics! After graduation, she hopes to attend law school and eventually become Alabama's first female senator or congresswoman.