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Where to Find Help on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Siena offers a variety of options to help you get that awesome college experience, and not just through the extracurriculars. The problem is that a lot of them aren’t advertised as Siena Hall 215. I personally didn’t know where or what half the offices on campus were until I started making appointments, so here’s some of the basics so you don’t find yourself wandering the paths of Siena without a clue.

So, if you haven’t been to the Career Education and Professional Development center (formerly known as Career Center), you’ve probably heard that it is a great resource to help with your future. Well, for one thing, you should start visiting them as soon as you can rather than putting it off until the last minute – you will not be thanking yourself if you put it off until senior year. The Career Education and Professional Development office  is located in Foy Hall off the waiting room before the theater. You can make an appointment online or in person.

Through your journey at Siena, you’re going to find that Foy is home to a lot of offices. Located on the third floor is the Study Abroad office. If you plan to leave the United States during your time here for more than a week or so, you need to set up an appointment with them to make a plan.

Downstairs in Foy, there’s the Office of Accessibility and the Counseling Center. There are signs that lead you to both of them, but there’s also a door behind Foy so you don’t have to use stairs. The Office of Accessibility is a way for people with disabilities to receive accommodations, but you will need to make an appointment and have a documentation of your disability. The Counseling Center has three counselors available as well as a psychiatrist. For your first appointment, go a few minutes early to fill out paperwork. All appointments can be made by calling the office.

The Writing Center, located on the lower lever of the library, is a great place to get help on that history essay that’s been causing you some problems. You can schedule an appointment online.

Those are only a few of the services offered on campus. For more, visit the Siena website or ask people on campus, they’re more than willing to point you in the right direction.