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What Undeclared Majors are Sick of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Being an undeclared at a four year school is a lot like being at Hogwarts and not being sorted into a specific house house. People aren’t sure what to make of you and sometimes wonder why you bothered coming to school at all if you haven’t picked out a major yet. As an undeclared there are a few things you’re guaranteed to hear all the time, and by this point in the year you’re probably ready to scream every time you do.  


`1. So… What’s your plan?

We hear this question so much that most of us have our reply rehearsed and ready to deliver on spot, and it generally involves a fair amount of rambling and avoiding the question all together. But sometimes it’s just easier to be honest, “I have no idea actually”  


2. You totally need to become a ____ major!

We appreciate your interest in helping us pick a major, we really do! Just please stop giving us an infomercial on why we need your major in our lives. Thank you for the suggestion, but please stop.


3. Don’t worry! You have so much time!

Well we weren’t worried… until you said that.


4. You know a two year school would’ve gotten your gen eds out of the way for much cheaper.

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. A two year school also would have gotten your gen eds out of the way for much cheaper, please stop trying to make us feel guilty.

5. Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.

Sometimes it feels like the people saying this have more confidence in the truth behind that statement than we do.


Undeclared majors understand that these things aren’t meant to come across as annoying, but after hearing them everyday for a semester or two it’s hard to not cringe a little while coming up with a response. We know you just want to help us or make us feel better, but we have nothing to feel bad about. Being undeclared isn’t a bad thing or something you have to figure out right away– sometimes you just don’t know what you want yet and that’s okay.

Hope Ferris is a former Siena College student.