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The Struggles of Going Out or Staying In on the Weekend: Siena Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.


Hello weekend! We’ve been looking forward to you all week!

If you’re anything like me, taking on a heavy work load this semester, the word ‘weekend’ brings tears to your eyes. Rushing from class to class, trying to do homework, while balancing work, working out and sleeping can exhaust anyone, so when those two heavenly days dubbed the weekend rolls around, it’s no wonder why we want to just enjoy ourselves. As college students what better way to enjoy ourselves than partying it up on the weekend right?!

Not always the case. Sometimes after a long week, there’s nothing we want more to do than curl up in bed, watch a little Netflix and sleep the weekend away.

Both these options leave out something that any heavy credit taker would know: homework. If you’re like me, you find that some weekends feel like week days with the amount of homework you have to do. It’s like one second it’s Friday night and you’re writing one paper, then you blink and the next thing you know, it’s Monday morning and you’re on your final assignment. And you sit there wondering, where did the weekend go?

So what do we do? How do we manage homework, sleep and a social life? How do we face the struggle to go out or stay in on weekends? Well my dear friends, it’s really quite simple: ORGANIZE AND PRIORITIZE!

Now I’m not trying to sound like a mother with this advice, but hey, if it works for me, I have a feeling it can work for you!

When you finish classes on Friday, make a list of everything you want to do this weekend. Anything from homework, to getting ‘turnt’, to even catching up on sleep can be on this list. Once you organize your list, you prioritize. If you know you have a huge assignment and three tests on Monday, it’s probably best to put that at the top of the list. If you have not so much work, and know there’s a lot going on on campus, figure out when you can get your work done. If you’re like me, pick one night to go out and one night to stay in. Even if you decide not to do homework on this night in, catch up on sleep or have a movie night. There are so many options and so many ways to enjoy your weekend without going overboard on either end of the spectrum!

So friends, don’t fret over the struggle to stay in or go out on the weekends! You can have your cake and eat it too, as long as you ORGANZIE AND PRIORITIZE.