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Schulyer Arnold ’22: Balancing CA and Social Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Schulyer Arnold is a sophomore at Siena college. She is currently a Community Assistant (CA) in a girls’ hallway in Hennepin Residence Hall. Being on a small campus it is more than likely you will get to know some CA’s pretty well, including your own, and they can be such a valuable resource in navigating college life and school. With next semester being the time that students get suggested for being Community Assistants, what better time to talk about being a CA and the role you play on campus? 

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Her Campus Siena: What activities are you involved in on Campus? 

Schulyer Arnold: On campus I am involved in many different types of things. I am a host for the radio WVCR radio here on campus, we have a studio in the Student Union. I am also a CA for Hennepin in a hallway of girls on the fourth floor. I am also an Ambassador for admissions, meaning I can give tours for people looking into Siena. 

HCS: Why did you decide to be a CA? 

SA: I personally believe that in order to be a CA you have to have a certain skill set and people skills to be able to be effective and interact successfully with other residents, which is a trait that I see in myself. I also wanted to be able to improve my peers college experience and give and be a positive person in their life. At the end of the day I believe that being a CA is about being the person in which you want your CA to be. It’s important to be fair, honest, and open with your residents, but also I just wanted to provide my hallway with a great experience and leave them feeling comfortable with me. And of course, room and board is a big added bonus. 

HCS: If someone was interested in being a CA, what’s the best advice you could give them? 

SA: My biggest piece of advice would be to reach out to another CA you know and ask them many questions about what their experience has been like. It’s also important to use other CA’s as resources during the application process because it can be long and tedious, so having them there to help is always good. Also be able to ask yourself what you are looking to get out of the experience, if you are doing it to be more involved and help people or just for the deduction of price. 

HCS: How do you balance being a CA as well as a friend? 

SA: Honestly, it is really tough sometimes to balance the two, but I have found that being upfront and honest with my hallway and friends is most effective. As well as being very fair and transparent as to what the rules are and how I enforce them and have to do my job. 

HCS: What is the best part of your job? 

SA: Definitely just the people I have met throughout this school year. During the training in the summer for CA’s I was able to get very close with all the other CA’s on campus. We all spent so much time together and now have become such a close knit group. I have also been able to meet so many people in my hallway that I didn’t already know, which was nice. 

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Trying to make the decision to apply to be a CA can be a tough one. However, talking to current or past CA’s can give you a whole different perspective about what the job entails. It can turn into one of the most fulfilling and fun jobs on campus. 

Caroline Seppa is a Siena College Class of 2022 alumna. She studied Accounting with an Information Systems minor during her time at Siena.