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Sam Cooke ’21 – Her Campus Siena Staff Member

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Ever wonder who the wonderful ladies behind the Her Campus Siena articles are? This year, you’ll find out! Check back in every now and then for our profiles of each member of the amazing Her Campus Siena team. 

Name: Sam Cooke

Class/year: 2021

Her Campus Siena: What is your major/minor/certificate? 

Sam Cooke: English education certificate.

HCS: Why did you choose your major?

SM: I enjoy working with kids.

HCS: Why did you want to get involved with Her Campus Siena?

SM: I enjoy fashion and writing for fun.

HCS: What is your favorite part of working with Her Campus Siena?

SM: Being able to write for pleasure.

HCS: What are you involved with on campus?

SM: Pathfinders, Urban Scholars (mentoring), Her Campus.

HCS: What is your favorite thing about Siena?

SM: How nice everyone is.

HCS: Who is your role model and why?

SM: My mom, she is such a good person and I want to be like that.

HCS: What’s your favorite food?

SM: Ice cream.

HCS: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring?

SM: Sunglasses, a beach towel and music.

HCS: What is your ultimate career goal?

SM: Teacher.