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A Letter to My Best Friend’s New Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Eight years is a long time, and that’s how long I’ve been friends with my best friend. We’ve been through good times, and bad times together. We have countless laughs, and countless cries. I know her inside, and out, and no matter how cliché this sounds, she knows me better than I know myself.

Our seventh grade sleepovers that consisted of talking about boys and pool parties turned into endless nights of sharing details with each other that if anyone else ever heard they’d think that we have something wrong with us.

Senior year rolled around, and that’s when we realized we wouldn’t be together everyday anymore. We were going to go separate ways, and meet new people, and experience new things without each other. The night that we realized how hard that was going to be, we went to sleep miserable.

When August came and we started college, we moved on from our countless sleepovers to countless FaceTime calls. But then we made friends. She made new best friends, and I made new ones too. Of course, every friend that we made had to be approved (so yes, I did approve you). But our FaceTime calls slowly dwindled out, and we don’t talk as much as we should anymore.

I am writing this letter to you to tell you to always treat her right. Don’t talk behind her back, even if she does get too drunk and pukes all over your new shoes. Don’t get mad at her when she texts back the guy that she really shouldn’t be talking to (because she’s going to text him anyway). Don’t be annoyed when she texts you and asks you where you are every 10 minutes just because she misses you, because I would do anything to have all of that back again.

I want you to know that you need to cherish your time when she begs you to go to the mall even if you don’t want to go. Be grateful for the days that she makes you go to Chipotle with her and just sit there, because you already ate, but she is still hungry. And on those nights that you two are up late sharing the details that we always shared, keep them close to your heart, because she won’t share them with just anyone.

She’s going to borrow your clothes (and then probably spill on them). She’s going to spend 30 minutes doing her makeup and then cry it off 10 minutes later. She’s going to eat your food, spoil movie endings, take horrible pictures of you, and wake you up at 4am to show you a cute picture of her dog that she just found. CHERISH THAT.

She’s going to make you laugh at everything she possibly can. She’s going to bring adventure to your life. She’s going to love your flaws, even when nobody else does. She’s going to be there for you when you’re crying, but also when you’re just so happy that you need someone to scream and dance with. She’s going to give you self-esteem, unconditional support, and honest opinions ALL the time.

So with this letter, I just want you to know that you need to treat her right, and be grateful for the time you have with her, because I would do anything to have it back. I hope that she gives you as much happiness and laughter as she gave me over these past eight years, and that you enjoy them just as much as I did.


Christina Iannotti is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied Marketing.