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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.


The Freshman 15 is notorious and it is on almost every incoming saints mind. But no worries, listed below are 15 steps to help you avoid the freshman 15!


1.Go to “Saga” and eat healthy!

  • I know warming up some easy mac or ramen noodles sounds amazing when we have 15 feet of snow, but healthy eating is key.

  • Check the online twitter account to get an idea of what is being served each night so you can plan your meal ahead of time



2.Hit up the MAC

  • You just may have to choose between a nap or the gym, but going to the MAC will make you feel 1000X better.

  • It can also be used as a good break when studying or in between classes. We are in college, so wearing gym clothes to class is totally acceptable.




3.Join an Intramural team




  • Intramural teams are a great great way to make friends and stay in shape!





4.The Buddy System

  • While you don’t need a friend to go to the gym with, having someone motivate you is a massive help when it comes to the commitment of working out.

5.Join a Club

  • Keeping yourself busy will distract you from making unnecessary trips to Casey’s or binge eating Oreos in your room while watching netflix.


6.Eliminate temptation

  • Buy healthy snacks for your dorm room instead of the unhealthy ones. We’re looking at you, Cosmic Brownies.



  • 7.Do NOT go searching for junk!

  • Ordering online or going next door to get snacks from a hallmate is easy but a serious NO NO!


8.Domino’s is not your friend!

  • Calories count just as much on Friday night as they do on Monday morning!



9.Know what you are putting in your mouth.

  • Keep track of this on a daily basis. Sometimes writing in a log every night can help you, just so you can see where you stand.




10.Know what you are drinking


  • Did you know that a bottle of Pepsi is 250 calories alone? Just eliminating soda from your normal diet can help tremendously.






  • Although it gets cold upstate during the winter keeping yourself hydrated is the key to staying physically healthy and mentally alert. Cammelbaks are essential on campus and help keep you hydrated while running to and from class.


12.Don’t use eating as a stress mechanism

  • Go to the gym or a walk instead


13.Don’t drink your calories

  • Both alcoholic and from the pepsi machine in Saga.




14.Go for a walk or run



  • The sidewalk right outside of campus is ideal for this. Not only is it safe, its scenic in the fall. You can also take advantage of the beautiful campus we have; take a walk or go for a run around the quad!

15. Don’t eat late at night

  • While it is extremely tempting to munch on Easy Mac and other college cuisine staples late at night it is definitely not worth it.

Nicolette DiMaggio is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. She studied Finance during her time at Siena.
Angela DeRosso is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied English.