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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Let’s be honest, everyone’s made it to at least one point where they just need to escape. Whether it be reality, the daily grind of life, or even just boredom, there is the need to go somewhere else without actually moving there. For some, that might mean watching a TV show or playing a video game. Those aren’t always accessible though. Let me offer you two different options for when you just want to be some place far away but cannot leave.

Reading is the most basic choice. It’s easy to access and can be really cheap if you know how to shop for books (hint: sci-fi/fantasy paperbacks are usually never over ten dollars). Of course, you don’t always have to read a book either. Magazines and news articles are always viable options–plus there’s an easy access to Buzzfeed quizzes if you have the Buzzfeed app on your phone. For the best results, though, the best choice is picking up a book that’s vastly different from your daily life. Maybe find something that takes place in an imaginary world or maybe even in outer space; just make it someplace far away from Earth and get lost there. Not everyone’s cup of tea is the sci-fi/fantasy genre though, so even picking up the latest Nicholas Sparks or James Patterson book will do the trick. Fun fact: most paperbacks will fit into a purse.

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It’s so easy to get lost in the world of books and no one’s going to judge you for reading in public if you’re worried about that. Unless, you know, you’re reading during the middle of someone’s presentation. That might get you some dirty looks. So just find a book you’ll like and take a dive in. If anything, you’ll forget about your own problems for a few hours while reading about someone else’s.

Now, your other option is to write your own story. Whether it’s Harry Potter fanfiction or characters of your own make going through life, it’ll force you into a world that isn’t this one for a few hours. Now, I know what you’re going to say, “writing’s hard and I’ve gotta do it like forty thousand times for my classes.” Let me just tell you that there is a huge difference between writing for class and writing for fun. Although, at Siena, you can take classes where you write for class and for fun.

One of the biggest things is, is that this is whatever you want. There’s no grade. No one has to read it. Hey, you don’t even have to do academic research–though you should always try to look up stuff you don’t know too much about before writing it. You can literally sit down and write about giant lizard aliens if your heart desires. Can’t think of anything? Google writing prompts and pick one you like!

When writing, you’re getting out of your own head and into that of your characters. You’re leaving this world to one you created, even if that world is still Earth. In this, you’re the creator. The world follows your rules. It’s a great way to feel like you have some control in your life, even if you feel like you have none.