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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

All friendships are amazing, but there are some celebs that make us all jealous of their pure love. No matter if they are collaborating on something amazing or just hanging out, these celeb friendships never fail to make us happy.

BJ Novak and Mindy Kaling

BJ and Mindy are beautiful unicorns of comedy. Whether they are writing together, acting together, breathing the same air, existing in the same universe, it’s always amazing. Everyone can only dream of having the kind of long, complicated, beautiful relationship full of talent that BJ and Mindy share.


Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran

There is truly nothing more magical than Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran singing together – except their friendship. The kitten/puppy dynamic between the two singers is adorable and heart warming. The duo share the sort of innocent, platonic relationship that we were all convinced was just a thing of myths.


Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen

It’s the oldest bromance around, the bond between Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen is the stuff of legends. Not only are their accents amazing, but so is the love they give each other. Only these two knights could be so proper yet insanely silly at the same time.


Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Jimmy and Justin are either best friends or soul mates – probably both. The two are hilariously amazing, and they know it. The best part of the friendship is the complete lack of “playing it cool.” Jimmy and Justin are never afraid to show the world just how much they love each other, and are always willing to shamelessly sing nonsense by the other’s side.  


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

The Queens that put every friendship on planet Earth to shame. Tina and Amy are a match made in comedy heaven. Only true friends decide to write movies together just because they miss each other…and then have those movies be amazing. These two women are the models for girl power. By now it is just a fact that if given enough time to plot Tina and Amy could take over the world.

Hope Ferris is a former Siena College student.