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Anthony Pelliccia ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

As we sat on the SSU paddock, I lost track of the number of people who said ‘hello’ or waved to Anthony Pelliccia during our interview. Anthony (or “Anto” as he’s more commonly known) is what Her Campus Siena would classify as a true Siena Saint. This outgoing Junior from Long Island, New York is known for his roles in countless clubs and organizations on campus as well as his participation in service trips. As a matter of fact, his goal is to be so involved in the Siena community that by his senior year, he will never have to introduce himself to someone! Check out more about Anto below:


Name: Anthony Pelliccia

Class year: 2017

Major: Psychology

Zodiac sign: Leo

Favorite animal: Monkey (But a wolf is totally his spirit animal)

Favorite sport: “To watch would be baseball but to play is basketball”

Her Campus Siena: What are you involved in on campus?

Anthony Pelliccia: I work for the Chaplin’s office, I’m the Concert Co-Chair of SEB, a member of Habitat for Humanity, a coordinator of the Writing Partnership, a member of the McGuire Society, I play on the club Ultimate Frisbee team, take part in intermural sports, I’m a SAINT Orientation Leader….what else do I do on this campus? *Laughs* Pretty much everything!

HCS: And on top of all that, I happen to know you volunteer a great deal off campus as well. Tell me more about your service trips!

AP: Going through middle school and high school, service was really important to me. I’ve been brought up with it so I continued with it when I got to college. I found the Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy and I do all of their community service days and community service trips, which are really cool. Then I found out about the emersion trips to Haiti where I’ve gone for the past two years. I’ve always wanted to travel while taking part in service so I just kind of went for it. I fell in love with the country so I went twice. We go down there, work at a school for the week teaching students for a couple hours then just chill out in the area and plays loads of soccer.

Then, I go to Habitat for Humanity every year. We go down to the Carolinas during spring break and build houses for people in need. What I like most about the service trips is seeing that the gifts I’ve been given, like what I’m fortunate enough to have can be used to make other people’s lives better. So, I’m fortunate enough to get an education at high school and college and through that I’ve been able to give back however I can.

HCS: What is your biggest accomplishment or favorite memory thus far? Or, what has been a defining moment for you in all that you’ve done at Siena?

AP: I would say the concert because I’m putting on the SEB concert for Sienafest this Friday but it hasn’t happened yet so I can’t really say that. I think what it really is was my role as the trip leader to Haiti this year. It was my second year there and it was really cool being on the other side of the trip. Like, seeing how people handle their first time in Haiti. Seeing them go through the change of heart while they’re down there. Seeing the culture shock and seeing them react to it and handle it throughout it all was really cool. Seeing it though my own eyes now because last year when I was in their shoes I just fell in love with the place and now I like being the peer mentor for them and walking them through the steps [of the service trip]. I like seeing the transformation that I went through two years ago in other people. That was probably the coolest thing.

HCS: What is the most valuable lesson you have taken away from your service?

AP: Never take anything for granted. Anything. Absolutely not. I mean, I’ve seen people who have the smallest amount [of material things] that anyone could imaginably have in a life. Literally, no food, no clothing no place to live, but they are the happiest people on earth because people always say “life is ten percent of what happens to you and ninety percent of how you react to it”. So if you have a good mentality and outlook on life nothing that bad can happen. Just make the best of every situation. There’s no reason to be down because someone could always have it worse [than you].

HCS: What piece of advice would you offer to your fellow Saints or incoming freshmen in regards to service and advocacy?

AP: Get involved on this campus however you can. Whether it’s through service or any club or opportunity that you have. Find something that you are passionate about. I was passionate about volunteering and service so I took that on whole-heartedly. For any incoming freshman or current student, Siena provides you with the “Education of a Lifetime” but it’s really the experience of a lifetime. In my eyes, the education expands outside of the classroom and then outward forever. All of the resources you have on campus you can use forever so take advantage of it all and try everything. Just go for it!

HCS: What are your favorite words of wisdom, or “WOW”, you would offer to others?

AP: So, this is a quote my family uses. It goes: “live your life doing what most won’t so you can spend the rest of it how others can’t”. Put it all the work now so you can spend the rest of your life doing what you want to do. Another piece of advice would be, anything you think could spark your interest, go for it. You have nothing to lose.


Courtney Flood is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied Psychology.