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9 Ways You Know It’s Spring at Siena

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

1. Pastel. All pastel everything.

Do you ever play that game where you count how many different colored shorts you see on Siena boys throughout the day? No? Just me? Oh, okay then… Regardless, it is hard to ignore that pastel is the dominating Siena fashion trend of the season.  Whether it be shorts, button downs or baseball caps, the light colors are sure to brighten any day.

2. Sperrys

I’m not sure how it happens. At first you’ll notice it slowly – just one or two pairs.  Then all of a sudden, one day you’re walking amidst a sea of Sperry-clad feet.  I wonder if the company has ever considered filming a TV commercial here? Do I hate this trend?  No…but I think I’ll stick with my Converse.

3. Fighting off the allure of Padua and Siena beach.

To skip class or not to skip class? That is the question, and the struggle to answer this question is never as real as during the spring.  Rookie mistake: not saving any skips for the end of the semester.  It’s impossible to walk past Frisbee games, music and people laying out on towels knowing that you’re on your way to a four lab or math class.  One of my professors summed up the Siena spring aesthetic best when she said,

I know what you all do: you lay out on Siena beach, a bunch of half naked undergraduates drinking suspiciously florescent colored drinks! That’s what spring fever is!”

4. Making the trip to Massry for dinner.

If you live down campus, springtime is your favorite because it means you’re more likely to make the trip up to Massry! Without the freezing temperatures or ice covering Thompson Trail the walk to Massry is totally worth it for the usually better meal options. Hey, sometimes it’s even fun!  Think of it as a romantic walk to your food, and the walk back as you already burning off some of those calories.

5. Outdoor runs.

Whether you’ve been a faithful gym goer all year, or it’s crunch time for that summer body running outdoors is definitely a spring perk.  Siena is surrounded by some truly beautiful neighborhoods and landscapes. This is a fun way to get to know the area better and help you burn off steam amidst the finals insanity.

6. Locals walking their dogs on campus.

I’ve never seen college kids as excited as when a dog and their owner are walking across Hennepin square, and a hoard of students swarm in to pet the furry creature.  The locals love it and are keen to strike up conversations with you. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

7. Kan-Jam.

I hope I’m not alone in saying I had never heard of Kan-Jam before Siena. The game is a phenomenon here, I mean even tournaments are hosted!  You’ll see Kan-Jam sets up every weekend, lawn chairs and futons for fans are optional.  Frisbee throwing experts will excel, the rest of us should just worry about not walking through a game.

8. The return of cute outfits to the nightlife scene.

Nothing is worse than having to go out in coats for the majority of the year, and just barely being able to coordinate an outfit fit for random terrible weather.  Springtime brings the blessing of no more layering and much more options–aka SKIRTS AND DRESSES! No need to fear wearing a tank top and sandals and getting hypothermia on your walk to the townhouses anymore.

9. Sienafest

Nothing is better than the Sienafest atmosphere. Despite how much you have been slacking off this semester, you still use this as an excuse to escape all the work and pressure you’ve let build up on you.  The outfits, fun activities, killer concert, and most of all your friends are what make this weekend one for the books every year!

Susana Garcia is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. She studied English during her time at Siena.