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15 Thoughts I Had While Watching “American Horror Story: Hotel”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

15 Thoughts I Had While Watching “American Horror Story: Hotel”

By Julia Lowney



Creepiest part of the show: Little blonde kids running around and sleeping in coffins.



This hotel is literally just one big maze of identical hallways.

Get out of bed in a creepy hotel when the alarm goes off at 2:25 in the morning? Yeah, that’s a great idea.


Evan Peters with an accent, Evan Peters with an accent, Evan Peters with an accent!

What the HECK just crawled out of that mattress???


Why would you ever stay in a hotel where there’s not a single person in the lobby when you walk in?



Are they gonna have sex? Yeah, they’re gonna have sex.

Why children? Why does Lady Gaga need to feed on little children?



The creepy housekeeper- how does she get all of those stains out??




Why would the cop listen to the story about Room 64 but then proceed to stay in that exact room?


Creepy opening credits? Yup, I’m gonna have nightmares tonight!



Now forever checking the mattress for open stitching…


Lady Gaga- enough said.











Julia Lowney is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied English and also minored in Marketing and Writing and Communications.