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10 Things to Do With Your Roommate Before Graduation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Spring is almost here (WOOHOO!) and for senior collegiettes, that only means one thing: GRADUATION. You’ve been preparing for this day for four years and this is going to be one of the most incredible steps in life you’re going to take.  

However, with only a few months left in the spring semester, it’s wicked important to spend time with your college friends, especially your roommate. At the start of college, a roommate is just someone you live with, but for seniors, the girls we live with now have become so much more. They are best friends, almost like a second family. Sharing these times with my own roommate has become something I am very grateful for and the next few months is the time for you and your roomie(s) to spend time together doing things you both love. Here are ten things that are a must to do with your roommate before graduation.

1) Go out to dinner to your favorite restaurant

Whether it’s Mexican food, pizza, or that cute pasta place down the street, grabbing food and drinks with your roommate is a great way to make more memories that will last a lifetime.

2) Take a class together

 This could be on or off campus! Try a painting or spin class, something that you both enjoy.

3) Pull an all nighter

This could be watching movies, doing work, or just hanging out! (Or, if you’re like my roomie and me, watch HGTV for hours).

4) Shop for graduation outfits

Graduation is definitely a little scary to think about, but going shopping for a fabulous dress with your roommate will help to calm those nerves!

5) Do something you’ve never done before

Take a day trip to a town you’ve never seen or go for a hike somewhere local! Put yourselves outside that comfort zone and be adventurous.

6) Support one another’s job searches

As seniors, finding a job is going to be one of the most difficult things we have to do and the more support you can give to your roommate, the better! Talk about job sites, read over cover letters and brainstorm different ideas of where to apply.

7) Take pictures as often as you can

Whether they’re a cute picture from a night out or weird selfies with Snapchat filters, you are both going to want to remember these times forever!

8) Visit your old room 

If this isn’t the first year you’ve lived with your roomie, go back to the first place you lived together! Meet the girls who live there now and give them advice on how to maintain the legacy that you left behind.

9) Spend time in your favorite campus hangout spot

Find the place on campus where you both love to spend time, even if you’re just doing homework or lounging in the warm sun as the spring gets closer.

10) Leave a message

Write a note to the next year’s roomies and leave it behind in your room after you move out. Give them advice and share some of the times you’ve had together over this past year, you’ll both be surprised at how many amazing memories you can come up with!

Julia Lowney is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. During her time at Siena, she studied English and also minored in Marketing and Writing and Communications.