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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ship chapter.

Writers Block

By: Kaylee Beattie


A blank page is staring at you while you’re staring into space. Your deadline is quickly creeping up on you. Your mind is totally blank and you’re panicking. What is there to write about?

A writer’s worst nightmare and procrastination’s best friend… writer’s block.

Writer’s block happens to us all. You needed that paper to be finished 2 hours ago, yet, here you are with one word in front of you and you’re second guessing even that. What do you do when you have writers block and your paper/article is due in an hour?

The most helpful way to get rid of writers block and let your ideas flow starts with a simple step: get up. Walk away from your computer. Stop staring at the same blank screen that’s been staring back at you for the past hour. The more you stare at the blank screen the more blank your mind will stay, so get up and leave your spot.

The next step is to put down your phone and go somewhere to find your inspiration. Twitter and Facebook will not help you write something beautiful. Go somewhere. Go outside. Go to a coffee shop. Go for a drive. Go somewhere where you can focus on your thoughts and let ideas come to you freely. Really take in your surroundings – visually and mentally. Focus on things you’ve never really taken the time to see or hear before.

If you still are stuck and are lacking inspiration, add a little fuel to your fire. Listen to music (a genre that you don’t normally follow), look at pictures (old and new) or check out newspapers, books or magazines to spark some ideas. Reading or hearing great things can sometimes inspire even greater things.

Finally, if all else fails remember that we are surrounded by fascinating information and stories. Every person you meet, every object you see and every word that you hear has a story that has yet to be uncovered. You just have to be able to hear it!





I'm Nicole! Nikki, Nic, anything you want to call me really. I'm from south-eastern Pennsylvania and I love life and beauty. Whenever I'm not writing or taking pictures for my blogs or social media accounts, you can find me (hopefully) at the beach surfing, traveling, making new friends and seeing new places. I'm in love with people I've never met and places I've never been to. I am currently a Senior (!!!) at Shippensburg University, majoring in Communications Journalism (focusing in Public Relations) and minoring in Psychology. I would love to work for a PR firm with advertising, event planning and perhaps a chance to travel. Thanks for reading!! - Nicole