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So, You Guys are Dating?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ship chapter.

So, You Guys are Dating?

By: Fallon Finnegan


The latest dating trend is something that I (and maybe some of you) have recently been sucked into more times than I would like to admit. It’s the idea of not dating, but also basically dating. You’re not in a relationship, but you’re doing the same things you would do if you were. He isn’t your boyfriend and you don’t have the right to question why he ignored all of your texts over the last three days. Your mom just doesn’t get how you aren’t in a relationship and even your friends are starting to wonder why you don’t go public already. You’re “exclusive”, but there’s the never-ending fear that this means nothing – especially during those long nights when you’re dying for a “hey, what’s up?” text.



It’s a painful and rough cycle where you go rushing over there the second he asks you to hang out despite how many times you told yourself you wouldn’t. It’s the frustration of wanting to see him, but not wanting to be the first one to ask (again). It’s listening to your friends talk about shared family vacations and possible engagement rings while you’re just wishing he would hold your hand in public.

You’ve invested so much time, emotion and forced nonchalance in this dude. It’s time to let him go. If he won’t buck up and do all the things that you deserve, then you should treat yourself and move on. Pick up a hobby, go for a hike, find your Zen and leave him behind. Or he’ll see what he has in front of him (maybe because his mom keeps nagging him to bring you to the next family dinner) and you’ll live happily ever after. Either way – find your happily ever after because you deserve it.


I'm Nicole! Nikki, Nic, anything you want to call me really. I'm from south-eastern Pennsylvania and I love life and beauty. Whenever I'm not writing or taking pictures for my blogs or social media accounts, you can find me (hopefully) at the beach surfing, traveling, making new friends and seeing new places. I'm in love with people I've never met and places I've never been to. I am currently a Senior (!!!) at Shippensburg University, majoring in Communications Journalism (focusing in Public Relations) and minoring in Psychology. I would love to work for a PR firm with advertising, event planning and perhaps a chance to travel. Thanks for reading!! - Nicole