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Indecisiveness: Why Is It So Hard to Decide?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

Should I get a pizza or a burger? Should I get it in grey or black? Should I do this or should I not do this?

Anybody who has struggled with indecisiveness, whether it be about big decisions or everyday small decisions can understand how overwhelming it can be.

The little decisions in life can seem like a nightmare; trying to decide where to eat or what to order off the menu can be a daunting task.

Overthinking every little thing makes it nearly impossible to decide.

When we have finally decided, we are constantly replaying that decision in our heads wondering if we made the right decision.

Many times, we overcomplicate simple decisions because we do not want make the wrong decision.

Fear comes in our way.

The fear of making the wrong choice is what stops us from freely making choices.

We overcomplicate it for ourselves as we try to foresee the outcome of our decisions.

We should ask ourselves, what is the worst thing that could happen? And then ask if it would be so bad iif it were to happen.

Don’t worry about making the right decision.

We all are going to make wrong decisions, that is part of life.

The important thing is to learn from the decisions that did not go well and learn from them, then move on.

We cannot dwell on the wrong decisions that we have made or we are going to make.

Let’s not be afraid.

Do not let the fear of one bad decision stop you from making decisions.

Confidence is the key.

 Sometimes we just need to have confidence in ourselves.

Trust your gut, it will not do you wrong.

We need to trust ourselves and know that we can make great decisions.


Here’s to making decisions!


Alisha is a third-year student at Simon Fraser University where she is majoring in Communication and minoring in Gender Studies. She watches way too much T.V and loves country music.