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Everything Happens For A Reason

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

You’ve probably said it, heard it, or believe it;

When you didn’t get that job…

When the plans you made fell through or….

When you are trying to cope with something that did not go the way you hoped.

To make yourself feel a bit better, you tell yourself, “it happened for a reason.” It is my personal life philosophy; I tell myself and others this time and time again. When situations go wrong, my initial response – “it happened for a reason.”

These five words have been ingrained in my mind, and it is how I deal with situations that don’t end up going the way I wanted them to. It makes me feel a bit better.

It’s a coping mechanism for many of us who lean toward and believe in this philosophy. It’s a way to assure ourselves that it was not meant to be. For myself, it’s a way I justify things which gives me a piece of mind instead of overthinking situations and wondering why. Sometimes we do not have control and things just happen, and for someone who has a hard time adjusting to the fact that certain things just happen, I find solace in the fact that there must be a reason behind it. Instead of driving myself crazy and overthinking why, I resort to these five words and somehow it makes everything a bit better.

But oftentimes, people have said to me that not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things happen because they just happen and there does not have to be a reason behind everything. It made me reflect and think that many of us are constantly searching for a reason to justify things happening or not happening to us. For many of us, it is hard to grasp onto the fact that sometimes things happen because they happen.

We crave to understand why. We need that sense of comfort in our minds to convince ourselves there must be a just reason behind it.

By relying too much onto the fact that everything happens for a reason, sometimes we can be dishonest with ourselves because we are constantly searching for the reason to appear.

It is important to note that sometimes, things might happen for a reason that is apparent to us. But other times, things happen because they happen and they do not have any justifications as to why.

Alisha is a third-year student at Simon Fraser University where she is majoring in Communication and minoring in Gender Studies. She watches way too much T.V and loves country music.