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Danyal Imani

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

Full name: Danyal Imani
Age: 22
Relationship status: Single
Hometown: Vancouver, B.C.
Major: Visual Art with Publishing Minor
Year: 2nd

Fun fact about Danyal:
I’m in the process of writing a book. It is a mixture of poetry and short stories which […]chronicles [a] young boy’s life, and his battle with who society wants him to become versus his struggle to stay true to his authentic self. Themes of love, spirituality, addiction, and sexuality are explored.

Go-to coffee order: 
Triple-shot white chocolate mocha

Go-to alcoholic beverage order:

Best life advice you were ever given:
“You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.”

Life advice you would like to give: 
Don’t get distracted by what others around you are doing, instead put your focus and attention on your own life path. 

You can follow Danyal on Instagram at @danyalimani.

Taylor is a fourth year undergraduate student at Simon Fraser University. She is acquiring her BA, with a major in World Literature and an extended minor in Visual Arts, while currently residing in Surrey, British Columbia.