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17 Things I Learned in 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

And just like that, 365 days have flown by.


As 2017 comes to an end, I have begun to reflect on the past year and what came along with it. It is interesting to think of who you were at the beginning of the year and where you stand by the end of it. There were highs, lows, and memories that will last a life time.


For me personally, 2017 was a year that was all over the place. I am still not really sure how I feel about it.


2017 was a different experience for everyone. I have decided to share 17 things I learned about myself and life in general. Although I do not have it all figured out, I hope some of these lessons make an impact on you and help you reflect on your 2017.


1. I hate cilantro

An interesting discovery from a burrito bowl I ordered.  

2. Get comfortable being uncomfortable

I limited myself to a lot of opportunities growing up. I felt like I could not do a lot of things and would be embarrassed if I tried something new. I was a very shy person and was scared of failure. The fear of failure has held me back from opportunities I could have taken. Earlier this year, my friend approached me about a job. It had to do with being a hostess in a restaurant, meaning I had to interact with strangers and balance drinks… something that could be embarrassing and I could fail at. But, here I am almost a year later, being a hostess in a restaurant and connecting to people I do not know every shift.

Of course there are limits to how uncomfortable you feel. Taking that first step may lead you to new discoveries.


3. Just Do It

Nike. But, seriously, do what you have been thinking about! Tell someone how you really feel, join that club you have been thinking about, send that risky text, live the life you have been dreaming about.

Around this time last year, and even at the start of my first semester at SFU, I have binge watched videos on sorority recruitments and what it is like being in one. Whenever the rush period began, I would get nervous about being in a room filled with so many people and having to talk about myself. It was something I was not used to doing so I always talked myself out of it. I finally gained the courage this past semester to attend a rush event and just see how it goes.

Today, I am in a sorority and it is the best decision I have ever made.  


4. Don’t let something stop you from having a good time

Living far from the main city all events occur in can sometimes impact decisions. If you really want to do something and think something is stopping you, try to find a way around it and make it happen. Try to avoid the little things stopping you.


5. You are allowed to say “no” As someone who tries their best to make sure everyone around them is happy at all times and sometimes puts too much on their plate, this one is dedicated to you.


6. Do NOT settle

Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve. Know your worth and be proud of it.

“When you learn how much you are worth, you’ll stop giving people discounts.”


7. It is okay if you have not started your journey

I still have no idea what I want to do in my future and am still in the process of figuring it all out. I have arrived at the realization that I am still growing up and learning about myself every day. It is okay to not know what you want, as it could change in a month or year.


8. You will meet people when you least expect it

If you were to have told me I would be meeting some of my best friends in the last few months of this year, I would be very confused. It happened.  A lot of people have told me this lesson when it comes to love as well.


9. It is okay to feel down and find a way to pick yourself back up

I started off this year very lonely due to the realization all my friends are not going to be back from university till the summertime. In that time, I found ways to pick myself back up and try to get back on the right path.


10. No regrets

Take it all as a lesson.


11. Treat yo self!

You deserve it, trust me.


12. Take chances and learn

In September I auditioned for Big Brother Canada. I am such a huge fan of the show and thought it would be the most amazing experience ever. Well, I am here to inform you that I did not make it on. But, I still took that one in a million chance and tried my best. I gained a memory and have so many stories from that one day.


13. It is okay to ask for help

It is important to focus on your mental help and asking for help if you feel something is on your mind. It does not make you look weak and should not be something you are ashamed of. Mental health is an important topic and should be taken seriously.

Even if you need help with school, opening a bottle, or anything, it is OKAY

and does not showcase weakness. It shows your strength in knowing yourself and asking for support.


14. How to pay bills

Truly adult-ing here.


15. Concerts are my favourite place to be

The crowd, the lighting, the music. It is one of the most incredible feelings ever.


16. Begin the process of loving yourself

Insecurity can be something that never fully goes away. Taking small steps towards loving yourself can go a long way and make the biggest difference. It is a journey that can start from removing the negativity around you and taking more time for yourself.


17. Cherish every moment with loved ones

Life is too short and sometimes we forget that. Hold your loved ones close and focus on those who make a positive impact in your life. One of my favourite quotes by Andy Bernard in The Office goes “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good ‘old days before you’ve actually left them.”  Taking an extra moment to reach out to a loved one can make all the difference.



I hope some of my stories from this year have inspired you or made you realize something from these lessons. 2018 is a brand new start and can be anything you want it to be.


Happy New Year!


Hello! My name is Emily and I am a 19 year old Communication student at Simon Fraser University. I enjoy writing about what is going on in popular culture, beauty, and life in general. Aside from writing, I love baking, caramel macchiatos, music, and spending time with my loved ones. Growing up, I have always been interested in volunteering and finding ways to help make a difference in people's lives. I believe everyone has that one person that has impacted their life and I hope to be that person for someone. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do in the future, so come along and join my journey of navigating life! You can also reach me on Instagram (@emcookxox), Twitter (@emcookxo), and my personal blog here: https://emcookxo.wordpress.com/.
Hi, I'm Lynsey! I am a 20 something full-time Communications student at SFU, the past PR/Marketing Director of HC SFU, and current Campus Correspondent. I am also an avid literature lover, coffee consumer, and aspiring PR professional who is still fairly new to the city, as my roots are deep in the West Kootenays.  Follow me on Instagram @lynseygray, to get to know me better at lynseygray.ca, or connect with me on LinkedIn https://ca.linkedin.com/in/lynsey-gray-088755aa