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Why Do Men Think It’s OK to Disrupt My Space

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Has a guy ever approached you when you were alone? Yeah, sometimes they have good intentions and have a question or just need to talk to you. Sadly, a lot of the time this is not the case. Many times they are approaching you for the mere fact that you are alone and they want to flirt with you. This is one of the things I don’t understand about some guys; they do not understand that it is not okay to be creepy and approach a woman who is alone, especially if they want to do more than talking. Don’t get me wrong, not all men are this way, a lot of guys do respect women immensely, but some guys just never get the hint.

What’s up with men trying to pick up women even in the most random places? While traveling alone, I thought it was important to go to some of the most famous museums of the cities that I was visiting, like any other tourist of course. My thing is, if you see a young woman at a museum or at any other place trying to enjoy the art and culture, do not follow her and become upset when you are rejected. Being followed by an older man was definitely not fun. I became paranoid especially because of how uncomfortable he made me feel. 

This experience has its pros and cons as everything does. It opened my eyes to how careful women must be when traveling or just being alone in general. It also taught me that sadly these are things we must deal with, sometimes on a daily basis without realizing. We don’t realize it but, this is the world we live in and it’s something that must start from our homes and how guys are raised to respect women.

Women nowadays have to constantly watch where they are going, especially if they are alone. Being alone is a wonderful experience – you get to have some me time, but it can also suck if someone approaches you creepily, even forcing you to be paranoid or just afraid in general.

This is not at all about generalizing men and saying they are all this way! Thankfully there are amazing guys out there who hold a high respect for women, and would never stand to something of that sort. I think this is not a reason for women to be afraid of exploring and being alone, but an eye opener to society about the things women must deal with on a daily basis sometimes.

My name is Tanya Moreno and I am a Junior International Business major at SFASU. I love to travel, and hope to be able to travel in my future job as well. I am very involved on campus and sometimes it can be too much for my own good. I am definitely a go-getter who loves Pinterest, my best frienf family and my job.
Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.