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Shay Thomas SFASU ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Name: Shay Thomas
Age: 19
Hometown: Mesquite, TX
Major: Communication Disorders
Classification: Freshman
Single or Taken? Single

What made you decide to pursue your education at SFASU?What are some extracurricular activities you partake in?
I am a member of Big Jacks, and I volunteer regularly at different places.

I chose SFA because I loved the environment and also that it was a small town. I love the atmosphere and the people were all so friendly!

What is your dream job, or the job that you are aiming for?
I want to be a speech pathologist working in an Elementary school and preferably working with younger students.

What is your favorite quality in a person of interest?
Their personality, and they also have to be humorous.

What is your biggest turn off when it comes to a guy?
Is that a trick question? There’s a bunch of them! I would definitely say someone who has to be the center of attention all the time – Cocky.

If you could be in a relationship with any celebrity, who would it be?
My gosh… I don’t even know. Columbus Short. Just because he seems like a good person.

Do you use Twitter or Facebook for social networking?
Yes I do, but I use Twitter more than Facebook.

Want to get to know this Cutie more? Follow Shay on Twitter! @xo_shaydee

Jessika Davidson is a senior at Stephen F. Austin State University majoring in Radio/TV communications with an emphasis in news writing and a public relations/photojournalism double minor. From Houston, TX, the humorous and vivacious campus socialite came to Nacogdoches to escape the hustle and bustle of Texas' big city. When she's not hard at work at the campus radio or TV station, she's often doing community service projects around town with her sorority sisters of Gamma Sigma Sigma, of which she is the chapter president of. She also enjoys working at her jobs, one as a Master Control Operator for the KTRE-9 TV station and one as the owner of Jessika Davidson Photography, where she travels the state with her beloved nikon, affectionately named "Gary", to shoot weddings. She is beyond excited to be a campus correspondent for SFA, and hopes to become a video journalist (news reporter) or a host of a entertainment show.