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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Okay ladies, buckle up and get ready for something I think we’ve all been needing. That’s right, finally some relationship advice from a man’s perspective! I have interviewed 3 guys who all fall under different relationship statuses and asked them the same set of questions in hopes it would give us girls a little bit of perspective. 

Photo by: LaShauna Bell

Man A: In the talking stage of a relationship/not official

Man B: Single 

Man C: In a long-term relationship


1. What do you look for in a girl physically?

Man A: I like a girl with a nice smile… a pretty smile just gets me every time.

Man B: I like a girl who’s healthy, she doesn’t have to be skinny but not 600lbs either. I also prefer a girl who is shorter than me.

Man C: I look at a girl’s eyes first, so if she has pretty eyes I’m all in.


2. What do you look for in a girl personality wise?

Man A: I really want a girl to go on adventures with me, who isn’t afraid to get a little dirty.

Man B: Someone decisive and confident. 

Man C: Someone who isn’t bitchy all the time.


3. How often do you think about the future? 

Man A: Almost never.

Man B: Never. 

Man C: Rarely.


4. What constitutes a “good date”? 

Man A: When you feel like you’ve really connected with someone.

Man B: Good conversation – If we’re at a restaurant how you treat the waiter says a lot about you.

Man C: The vibe – whether or not it’s good.


5. What’s the difference between a date and just hanging out?

Man A: Whether I pay, or we split the bill.

Man B: A date is planned and there’s a set time and date. Just hanging out is spontaneous.

Man C: Whether or not the guy makes a move.


6. When is it time to DTR (define the relationship)? 

Man A: After 3 dates.

Man B: Once you want to be exclusive. 

Man C: Whenever it feels right.


7. How do you attract a guy?


Man B: Present yourself well and have a good reputation because I don’t want the girl everyone else has already had.

Man C: Dress confidently and be comfortable in your own skin.


8. What are the best flirting strategies a girl can use?

Man A: Physical contact is a big signal that you’re attracted to someone.

Man B: Laugh at a guy’s jokes! I want to make you happy, so if you like me, please laugh.

Man C: Smile, it goes a long way!


9. Good topics for conversation? 

Man A: Sports or school to start out.

Man B: Where you’re from, family, and hobbies. Please no politics!

Man C: Just talk about what you like and ask him about what he likes.


10. When is it time to get physical/have sex?

Man A: Whenever she’s ready.

Man B: When you’re both ready.

Man C: Whenever you both feel ready. Make sure to talk about it first.


11. When should you meet the parents?

Man A: After 4 months.

Man B:  When you’ve been together for at least a month.

Man C: Whenever you’re serious about the relationship.


12. What are the keys to a strong relationship?

Man A: Being present when you’re together – Get off your phone!!!

Man B: Trust is a big deal and being able to be 100% honest with each other.

Man C: Communication really is a big key to a good relationship, just try not to nag too much.


            I hope that this Q&A session has helped you get a sneak a peek into the minds of men. However, keep in mind that this is only the opinions of a few men and not all of them. Remember to be confident no matter what because the right guy is out there, you just have to be patient and stay positive!

Strong believer in coffee, netflix, and naps!
Brianna is a Psychology major with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies here at SFA. She is passionate about people and that's how she landed a spot as CC for Her Campus' chapter at SFA! She enjoys hanging out with her cats, getting tattoos, and doing research. Her passion is to help the LGBTQ+ community by focusing on LGBTQ+ health and therapy in the future.