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Important Things We Forget to Do As College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

There’s so many jokes about college students being unhealthy, going out way too much and about all the stress that we have. If we actually sit down and think about it, all the stereotypes are true! 

From getting fast food at 2 a.m. to having no life during finals week, college can definitely get the worst out of a lot of us, especially if we don’t remember to do the simple things to not go insane.

Calling your parents or family members every once in a while is something very important, in my opinion, to stay on the sane side. In all honesty, when I’m at school I can go a couple days without talking to my parents— it’s actually pretty terrible. Your parents, or family members, supported you emotionally or financially, so don’t forget to thank them every once in a while or just rant to them.

Doing some kind of exercise or meditation to relieve all the stress we hold is something a lot of us forget to keep up with. Of course every January we see half the school at the Rec Center for that New Year’s resolution. I am definitely guilty of that by not keeping up with it after a couple of weeks. I love to dance and do yoga, but sometimes those activities don’t cross my mind for a while. Always be aware of any opportunities to stay active on campus!

It is perfectly okay to not have life figured out. We are all 20-something-year-olds taking 4-6 classes, with many more things to do. It’s important to have a plan about your future internships or job applications, but know you’re not the only one who has no clue what to do in life. Just remember— IT IS OK!

So take a deep breath, and take your college days one day a time. And remember to have a good time and that everything will work out in the end. 

My name is Tanya Moreno and I am a Junior International Business major at SFASU. I love to travel, and hope to be able to travel in my future job as well. I am very involved on campus and sometimes it can be too much for my own good. I am definitely a go-getter who loves Pinterest, my best frienf family and my job.
Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.