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How Studying Abroad is a Must in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Here I am in France just thinking about how amazing it has been here and it’s not even over. Even before going to college, I knew I wanted to study abroad. Studying abroad is obviously about studying in another country but it is also about the experience. You might never be able to experience living abroad for a couple months, so why not go for it and do it while studying? 

While being abroad, I have learned about myself— things I need to work on as well as some of my strengths. It is definitely a challenge having to immerse yourself in a different culture and language, but I have only had amazing memories and met incredible people so far. 

If you are planning on studying abroad, make sure to do your research early and ask about others’ experiences who have done it before. Being abroad develops your ability to adapt, learn a new language and obtain great networking opportunities, so why not improve your résumé while having a great time?

My study abroad experience will always have a big impact on my college experience and on who I have become. So go, ahead pick an amazing destination, grab your passport and begin your study abroad journey. You will never regret it. 

My name is Tanya Moreno and I am a Junior International Business major at SFASU. I love to travel, and hope to be able to travel in my future job as well. I am very involved on campus and sometimes it can be too much for my own good. I am definitely a go-getter who loves Pinterest, my best frienf family and my job.
Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.