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How to Live With Roommates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Roommates can be your best friends or can be the roommate from hell that everyone dreads. Being abroad for a semester I experienced living with 3 other roommates that attended SFA as well. I had only ever had 1 roommate for my first two years at SFA, so going from one to three more people was definitely interesting.

Being abroad and barely knowing each other we practically had to learn to live together but also learn how to live in a completely different country! 

If you want to maintain a stress-free, tension free environment make sure to get to know your roommates and even try to hang out with them every once in a while. No one is saying to be their best friend but it’s definitely important to know who you’re living with! 

As someone who avoids all type of drama and conflict I made sure I got to know my roommates but, made it clear that I like my alone time as well. If you are the same way take some time to set some ground rules for the common areas.

If you are extremely organized and clean let them know what your standards are specially if your roommates are not like you. Cleanliness is for sure one of the top reasons why roommates can have problems with each other. 

Other than maintaining a clean environment also set rules about who you can invite over or if it’s okay for you to have a get together. If you invite people over and don’t notify your roommates this will cause tension and stress between you and them. 

Living with three other girls was something I had never done before and it definitely taught me a lot. Know communication is always key and that even if you’re not best friends they care for you and your well being.

So get to know them, communicate, set ground rules! Doing these things will assure that you have a peaceful time with your roomies and who knows maybe one day you’ll become best froomies.

My name is Tanya Moreno and I am a Junior International Business major at SFASU. I love to travel, and hope to be able to travel in my future job as well. I am very involved on campus and sometimes it can be too much for my own good. I am definitely a go-getter who loves Pinterest, my best frienf family and my job.
Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.