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Holidays are the best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Now, I am a winter baby so I personally love the cold weather. I also believe my winter attire is my best attire so this is really the best time of the year, for me.

If you don’t share my excitement for the holiday season, well maybe this article will help change your mind.

First, think about all the food. Tons and tons of food for the holidays. In my family its Tamale season. And that’s the best season. 

Of course, the options are endless when it comes to the holiday season and food. Whatever it is your family cooks, I hope you enjoy it this holiday season!

Another one of my favorite things during the holidays is all the holiday decorations. The lights are always so bright and everyone just seems a little happier with them around.

The lights are always beautiful around this time of year, but cant resent all the other decorations out there too. I love Christmas trees, sparkle, and shine everywhere. I am usually in school when my family decorates the tree I used to get sad because it used to be my favorite part. But its nice to come home for Christmas break, after a stressful week of finals and goodbyes, and come home to a nice decorated house.

Also with the holidays come great celebrations. The Christmas parties around this time of year are always my favorite. Everyone is cheery and ready to ring in the New Year. Every single person is ready for a fresh start and really just want to celebrate with eggnog and ugly tacky Christmas sweaters.

A time of joy and Christmas cheer. A time for presents! All of your friends can get together and do secret Santa or white elephant. A person can feel the joy spreading as they pass along all the gifts. Giving my friends and family gifts is personally one of my favorite things to do during the holidays.

The best time about the holidays is spending time with your loved ones and spreading some holiday cheer.

Happy Holidays!

Hi! My name is Andréa Tinoco. I am a senior at SFA, majoring in journalism and minoring in general business. My position at Her Campus SFA is the Campus Correspondent as well as Editor In Chief. My passions include writing, reading, running and yoga.