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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Feeling burnt-out? Me too.

I start waiting till the last minute to do my assignments, hit snooze until the last possible second, and nap anytime I can. I am in this continuous cycle of staying up late. then wonder why I am tired. In high school, I was fine getting up at 6:45 AM every day, but now I struggle to get up for my 10 AM. I am also always super busy and when I am not, I am doing homework or sleeping.

Summer is creeping closer and closer, which I am so excited about. I know it’s just going to feel like it lasts two seconds, and then I will be back to college for my second year. I feel like I am always looking forward to the next event, season, or the weekend. I can’t stop doing it either; all those quotes on Pinterest are like “live in the moment”, but that is really hard when you have an 8 AM two days a week. I know I will probably have to wake up even earlier when I graduate and have a job. But I am not thinking about that right now; see I’m trying to live in the moment. Also, my job will be something I love (hopefully), not me waking up early to learn Geology like I am now. No hate to Geology, just not that interesting to me except the crystal part.

I want to be more productive than I actually am; I want to be THAT girl, but I am just not. I want to be that girl that works out consecutively, does her homework super early, eats well and goes to bed at before 10 PM. Realistically, are there really people like this?

Instead, I am the girl that wears her dirty sweatpants again because she puts off doing laundry, the girl that eats ramen three nights in a row for dinner, and the girl who can only survive with caffeine.

I am trying to tell myself it’s okay to struggle sometimes and get burnt out. I am human and it is normal to get tired of routine.

My virtual diary is new series I will be doing, it will highlight an insight on my life and me being authentically me.

Hannah is a Mass Communications major with a concentration of Broadcast Journalism. She is a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising. She is a lover of plants, crystals, astrology and anything crafty.