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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

During finals week, we’re all looking for a little good fortune, so here are your finals horoscopes!

Aries (March 21- April 29)

Your bold attitude and risk taking nature has convinced you that studying isn’t a number one priority, but don’t let optimism take the place of smarts. One of your tests will contain an unexpected surprise that you need to prepare for.  After finals are over you’ll have a chance to do something super fun and spontaneous, don’t miss it!

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

You have a penchant for ambition, and it might be hurting you in your studying this week.  You have bitten off just a little more than you can chew, but don’t give up! Just make sure you manage your time carefully, and focus on what you’re sure you need to know, the stars don’t look like they’re throwing you a curveball so feel free to relax a little bit.  

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Congrats Gemini! You have your stuff under control, you’re smart and started studying way before crunch time.  So now it’s time to relax and let yourself enjoy being prepared ahead of time.  You tend to be nervous about things, but you don’t need to sweat it.  However, one of your friends is in a rough place, so feel free to jump in and help them study, they’ll be very grateful.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

You have some great things coming to you, but you have to get through finals first, don’t worry, they won’t be as bad as you think, but they’ll still be tough.  Don’t try to limit your creative side, finding a new and engaging way to study will help you ace even your hardest exam. Then you can move on to your big summer plans!

Leo (July 23- August 22)

You’re going to need your infinite energy this week, because you have a lot on your plate.  In addition to your tests, there’s also some tension brewing between people close to you. Make sure you dedicate time to both of these, because the tension won’t be resolved without your valuable input.

Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Finals are tough for perfectionists, make sure you treat yourself well during this stressful time.  Splurge on something you’ve wanted for a while, go out to eat with your friends, or just allow yourself to sleep after finishing a project.  You don’t have to make everything exactly right, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take pride in your work!

Libra (September 23- October 22)

As tough as it is, sometimes you have to say no to people.  You have a lot on your plate with school work, so when you get an offer from a friend to do something social, you may want to think hard before saying yes.  You don’t want to hurt any feelings, but school has to come first.  Don’t worry, you’ll have all summer for fun in the sun.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

You’re almost done, and you can’t wait to move on to your next big thing, whether it’s a coveted internship or your ideal summer job.  Before you can do that though, you’re going to have to overcome a major difficulty. Opening up and asking for help will get you through this, and show you who your true friends are.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

This is your time to shine! Studying will be hard, but your confident personality will show through and win the day.  Trust your instincts when presented with a big opportunity. Know when to say no, but be ready for something fantastic if you say yes.  Don’t let negative people in your life hold you back, you’re totally ready to make that change you’ve been thinking about.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

Don’t be shy during your last week before summer.  Something great is coming your way but you need to be ready and willing to face it.  A new friend will help you get through a tough time, be grateful and supportive of them and they’ll do the same for you!

Aquarius (January 20- February 19)

Your studying may go way off track if you aren’t careful to focus yourself.  While working you will come across a question you’ll want to investigate, avoid this until you have more time.  Your passion for your work is great, but right now focus is key.  Be ready to use your imagination, soon you will have to solve a problem that will need it!

Pisces (February 20- March 20)

Don’t stress, Pisces, you have this under control. Some of your old insecurities may come back when you’re stressed.  Tune them out with fantastic study music and trust yourself.  You can totally handle everything life is throwing at you right now, and you’ll be a better person when it’s over!

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Carley Roe

Sewanee '18

Carley is currently a senior.  She is a psych major with an education minor, because she really likes kids and talking about her feelings.  Carley is from Columbus, Ohio and relocated to the south for the "better weather".  She loves dogs, horses, nail polish, dresses, and bows. In her free time she enjoys texting her mom, horseback riding, reading, and netflix.  Her dislikes include jogging, being cold, and eels.  Learn more about her here!