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Surviving Class Registration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

The whispers have already begun. The suspense is rising. The anticipation is building. Seniors are sweating and freshmen are losing their minds. What could this madness in the horizon be?


This is an extremely stressful time for students, especially for seniors deep in their major and rookie freshman trying to figure out the system. Without further delay, here are a few tips to keep in mind before the gnashing of teeth begins next week.

1.     Go ahead and accept that you may not get all the classes you want

Let’s be honest, our expectations don’t always match up with reality…

2.     Have backups…and more backups.


3.     Make an appointment to meet with your advisor to help you make a plan.

Those guys are there for a reason and they’re smarter than you think…

4.     Take a breath…

and stare into Ryan Gosling’s eyes…

5.     Try not to freak out.

Especially if things do not go as planned. It will all work out. 


Good luck with class registration and…