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The Stages of Sparty, Sparty with a Cat Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

1. The excitement of the days leading up to the Sparty:

I’m running off the excess energy because I want it to be now. Let’s do this.

2. Ready to stand at the front of the Bowling for Soup concert like:

YES! My inner middle-school/highschool teenage rebel is freaking out.

3. Dancing at the parties like:

Yes, I know this gif is overused. That’s because it’s perfect. Fight me.

4. Eating the free food like:

Please, let me have all of it.

5. Seeing the crazy shenanigans people get into:

Oh my, they’re going to regret that in the morning.

6. Making memories of ridiculous (but harmless) situations:

Well, I don’t know how we all fit in here together but boy, I bet it’s a good story.

7. Getting home every night:

Shh, just leave me where I drop to sleep (no, actually, carry me to my room).

8. Seeing next-day snapchat stories:

Excuse me as I slowly lower myself deep into the ground like the trash I am from embarrassment.

Born and raised in Dandridge, TN, Taylor is a simple pre-law anthropology major and is a fan of anything cute/fluffy, reading, tea/coffee, and cats. Her patronus is Harley Quinn.