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Spotlight on Her Campus Staff: Sarah Christie C’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.
Get to know the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Sewanee!
Name: Sarah Christie
Nicknames: schristie, sar-bro, biochem
Her Campus Position: Co-Editor-in-chief
Birthday: October 9, 1993
Class: C’2016
Greek Organization: Theta Pi
Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Major: Biochemistry w/ French minor
Relationship Status: Single
Extracurricular Activities: horseback riding, giving tours, dancing like a fool, 
watching football and occupying Spencer Hall
Best Class You’ve Ever Taken at Sewanee: Organic Chemistry with Pongdee; 
Dr. P makes a traditionally hard class enjoyable and interesting. Plus, he keeps 
candy in his office.
Pub Order: jalapeno poppers
What is the best about writing for Her Campus?
I love writing for Her Campus because it is different than anything else I’ve ever 
done. I like to think that I’m funny (though I might be the only one who laughs at 
my jokes) and I get to express my weird sense of humor in the articles that I 
write. Though, I think my favorite part about Her Campus is working with all of the 
writers. Everyone has such a unique voice and it’s really cool when everyone 
collaborates on ideas. The result is always amazing. 
What do you expect next year to be like for Her Campus?
I am really excited to continue my position working with a new co-editor-in-chief. I 
will miss working with Annie and I am honored that she trusts me to continue 
what she started last year. Next year, I hope that Her Campus Sewanee will 
continue to grow and the team will continue to come up with new ideas. Sewanee 
is such a unique place with so many different people and opinions and I hope 
that Her Campus Sewanee will reflect that.