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Links We Love: Week of December 1

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Sewanee WC (the wick), via Tumblr:

Get your daily dose of thought-provoking graphics and quotes from Sewanee’s own Bairnwick Women’s Center residents.

See our latest feature on the lovely ladies of The Wick, here.

World’s First Sprout-Powered Battery Just Lit Up a Christmas Tree, via Mashable:

Bravo to the Brits for this ingenious idea– do you think that they could use all of our leftover brussel sprouts from Thanksgiving?

Quit Paying Attention to That Vile Troll Website, via Jezebel:

A couple of weeks ago, the ultimate boys club that is “Return of Kings” published an article titled “5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder.”

This is Jezebel’s insightful response to the article, its subsequent press, and “popularity”– let’s not make the troll kings day!

What Does Love Look Like to Kids, via BuzzFeed:

A charming little video about what love looks like to kids… kids just say the darndest things!

Dad Collaborates With His Kids to Create Awesome Drawings, via BuzzFeed:

Great link for a quick study break– he takes all of his kids drawings and turns them into art.

Similar to this feature from September of another cool parent who lets her daughter finish all of her drawings.

Fashion in Infographics, via Tumblr:

Infographics are the fine art of the internet, and this is a tumblr of over one hundred pages of infographics outlining everything from mustaches to make up to mustard colored pairings.

Crazy Eyes & Taystee Made the Cutest Music Video, via BuzzFeed:

I got something for you, Dandelion! We know how much you’ve been missing Orange is the New Black in its off season, so here’s a little holiday cheer!

How Can We Jump-Start the Struggle for Gender Equality? via wcsewanee tumblr via the NYTimes:

An interesting, long-form article from about a week ago on the current state of gender equality in the United States.

This Got My Mouth Open for a Long Time: Acrobatic Gymnastics Worlds 2010, via BBH:

While this video may be a little dated, I just ran across it the other day. It’s the Ukranian Acrobatic Gymnastics team doing the most INSANE routine. Prepare for your mind to blown, and, then blown again, when the announcer says that this was one of their weakest qualifying routines.


Alli Smith is a sophomore from Charlotte, NC. She's majoring in English, with minors in Education and Women's and Gender Studies. She's an avid procrastinator who loves anything on TLC. She's particularly interested in female empowerment and positive sexuality.