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Flashback Friday: Sewanee Fraternities in 1959

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Here are some photos from each Sewanee fraternity in 1959 This was before women were admitted to the University, but check back next week for the Sewanee Sorority edition of TBT. 

Alpha Tau Omega

Beta Theta Pi

I’m not sure why they’re on a pile of trash? 

Chi Psi

He must’ve been thirsty…

Delta Kappa Epsilon

DKEs on a plane. 

Delta Tau Delta

Kappa Alpha

…and, that year, KA adopted a toddler. 

Kappa Sigma

So frat. 

Phi Gamma Delta

Phi Delta Theta (currently The Phi Society of 1886) 

Sigma Alpha Epsilon 

Simba, everything the light touches is yours… 

Sigma Nu

Not sure what happened to Terminator on the end… 


Clearly, Sewanee gentlemen were just as charming back in the day:

 And, we worry about solo cups in our photos…

Alli Smith is a sophomore from Charlotte, NC. She's majoring in English, with minors in Education and Women's and Gender Studies. She's an avid procrastinator who loves anything on TLC. She's particularly interested in female empowerment and positive sexuality.