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Eight Reasons Why Spring Actually Sucks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

The idea of spring is really great.  Winter is finally over, summer is on the way, what’s not to love? Well, all of these things, if you ask me.


1.     Getting Dressed Part One

Every morning I wake up, check the weather, see that it’s like thirty something degrees so I leave my dorm like


2.     Getting Dressed Part Two

Two hours later when  I get out of class, it’s thirty degrees warmer and I’m dying


3.     Mo’ Pollen Mo Problems

Maybe not everyone has this, but right now I feel like I’m dying because I AM ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING.  I seriously wish I could be like this guy right now


4.     MUD

My poor shoes.  Even when it isn’t raining, My feet have a special gift for finding mud while I’m walking to class.  Just stay on the paths,  or else.


5.     Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Why is it that everyday that it’s supposed to be warm, it ends up raining? Seriously, I want a perfect, sunny, warm day.  I guess I’ll wait until summer.


6.     .Attack Of the Ladybugs

The amount of ladybugs on campus feels like a biblical plague.  They’re gross, and they’re everywhere.  Good Luck.


7.     “So What Are Your Plans For Next Year”

I feel so bad for the seniors.  They’re just trying to finish up their last year of college and people are constantly asking this question.  It’s okay not to know.  It’s not okay to ask, because they’ve been asked this question eighty thousand times, and not having an answer is probably stressful.  If they know, they’ll tell you. 

8. Finals

I don’t need to explain this one.  The stress, the workload.  No time for fun.  They’re the worst.

So those are my big reasons why spring is basically the worst, and I seriously can’t wait for it to be over. 

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Carley Roe

Sewanee '18

Carley is currently a senior.  She is a psych major with an education minor, because she really likes kids and talking about her feelings.  Carley is from Columbus, Ohio and relocated to the south for the "better weather".  She loves dogs, horses, nail polish, dresses, and bows. In her free time she enjoys texting her mom, horseback riding, reading, and netflix.  Her dislikes include jogging, being cold, and eels.  Learn more about her here!