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In Case You Missed Him: Anis Mojgani

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

On Monday, April 31st, Sewanee was graced by the presence that is Anis Mojgani. The slam poet performed in Convocation Hall to a full house – one that was enthralled with his every word.

I walked into the event expecting to leave with an entirely refreshed outlook on the world and teary eyes. While I did tear up at certain poems, I couldn’t help but leave with a smile on my face. Anis is one of the most charismatic performers I have ever had the privilege of seeing live, and I highly recommend that if you missed seeing him on Monday, that you either check out some of his performance videos or that you see him at your next opportunity.

The event opened with Sabol Rodgers C’16 introducing Anis and two of our own peers who performed their original works – Sara Kachelman C’17 and Becca Hannigan C’16. Both Sara and Becca shared personal experiences and interpretations of their own lives, as is per usual for slam poetry, and delivered their works beautifully.

When it came time for Anis to step up to the microphone, the entire room fell silent in anticipation. There had been so much hype around this artist. Could he really be as great as everyone had made him seem?

After a few short words, he launched into the performance of “Come Closer” and the question of his talent became indisputably correct.

Ultimately, there is nothing I could say in this article that could accurately portray the event. All I can recommend is that you hear Sara and Becca’s poetry for yourselves, and read up on Anis Mojgani. You won’t be disappointed.

However, there were a few fun facts I learned about Anis during his performance:

  1. He comes from a racially diverse family.
  2. He thinks possums are ugly but doesn’t want to.
  3. His full name is Anis Davis Mojgani. His middle name was not given, but when he and his wife were married 3 years ago, he took her maiden name as his middle as she took his last as her own.
  4. He loves elephants.
  5. He is not afraid to use words and topics society has told us are unacceptable in polite conversation, such as “poop,” “penis,” and “vagina.”
  6. He is from New Orleans, Louisiana but now lives in Austin, Texas.

Obviously, these aren’t the only interesting happenings from the night, I just don’t want you thinking you can comfortably go through life not knowing who this man is and what he does.

Her Campus would like to send a huge thank you to Sabol Rodgers and the Community Engagement House, the Green House, the Wick, the Ask Not Campaign, Mountain Top Musicians, Earth Keepers, the University Lectures Committee, and the Cornerstone Project for coordinating the event!

Madison is a sophomore from Chattanooga, Tennessee. She enjoys Christmas in July, things that sparkle, gender equality and LGBT activism, meditating, video games, and sushi. She is majoring in both English and Anthropology and hopes to become a journalist or researcher in Linguistic Anthropology.