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Campus Cutie: Willow Smith C’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Get to know Our Cutie!

Name: Willow Rose Smith

Class: Senior

Greek Organization: Theta Pi till the day I die.

Hometown: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Major: Psychology, Creative Writing minor

Relationship status: Single

Extracurricular Activities: Cross country, Track, EMS, Srat.

Best Class You’ve taken at Sewanee: Playwriting with Ms. Wilder. She makes us cookies and brownies and has the cutest daughter who is always wearing rainboots.

Signature Dance Move: Well, I whip my hair back and forth…only on occasion.

Most Attractive Quality in a Guy: Kindness and a sense of humor. I also like nice arms…nice eyes…a cute face…and that they’re active and an athlete.

Biggest Pet Peeve: When people don’t stand up for others.

Spirit Animal: Flamingo

Weird Body Fact: I have had four guys tell me I have flaxen hair. Is that weird? Why wouldn’t they just say blonde?

Describe your sexlife in a Movie Title: Some Like It Hot

What is your most embarrassing Sewanee story? Well, I had a pair of real handcuffs. Don’t ask me where I got them.  My friend and I thought we were so witty and we handcuffed our hands together so we wouldn’t lose each other when we went out.  We later let my friend out of the handcuffs and a senior guy walked up and started chatting to me. He was unlocking the handcuffs for me and accidentally got the key stuck in the lock…so they were permanently stuck on me. I had to go up to one of the policemen at the party to get him to unlock them for me…all he could do was laugh as I tried to explain myself.

Reasons Why We Love Her:

Where is your favorite place to run at Sewanee?

Honestly, I love running everywhere in Sewanee.  We run on so many different trails, it’s so beautiful and such a breath of fresh air.  I love running with my teammates, my friends — it’s who you’re running with and where you decide to run too. It’s always a fun and entertaining adventure. Mostly because the entire girls cross country team has no sense of direction and we always get lost. Always.   


What is the craziest thing you have seen while being an EMT?

Because everything is confidential, I can’t really give any details, gender, or names.  But I will give a few examples: An elderly person fell in the middle of the night—he/she had spent over 16 hours trying to crawl to the phone and dial 911. An abused spouse threatened to kill themselves in front of their child and other spouse. A person suffered a stroke, while he/she was loaded into the helicopter I saw the x-rays of how fast the clot had worked and done its damage. Someone’s arm detached from their body. I saw shards of glass in someone after a car accident.  There are many more, but lastly…Sewanee students in the ambulance are the craziest…some are screaming, some are crying, some are laughing, some are even hitting on me and trying to pick me up. Bravo.


In honor of the new season of the Bachelor, imagine you are competing against twenty-four other women for the love of one man. What do you do when you step out of the limo in order to make a good first impression?

Haha well everyone knows this, but I absolutely love to cook and bake!  I would definitely bring him a tasty treat.  A lemon meringue pie? A dark chocolate cake? A blackberry roulade?


What do you think makes a person beautiful?  

Confidence in themselves. Self-awareness. Somebody who brings out the best in the people around them. Also, a few drinks never hurts. Personally for me, it’s pink lipstick.


Sewanee '00
