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Campus Cutie: Jane Moffat C’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.
  1. Name: Jane Moffat

  2. Nicknames:  Franny

  3. Birthday: January 5th,1994

  4. Class: Senior 

  5. Greek Organization: Kappa Delta

  6. Major: Politics

  7. Hometown: New Orleans, LA

  8. Relationship status: TAKEN

  9. Extracurricular Activities: Work at Shenanigans, affinity for naps

  10. Best Class You’ve taken at Sewanee: Intro to Religion with Smith

  11. Signature Pub Order: Curly fries and a Naked juice 

  12. Go-to McClurg Line: The shortest one

  13. What qualities do you find most attractive in boy/girl:  Sense of humor, love of sports, ability to have fun, dad jokes

  14. Biggest Pet Peeve: People who eat loudly, poor table manners 

  15. Spirit Animal: French Bulldog 

  16. Weird Body Fact: Winter break of freshman year I went to Colorado on an SOP trip and I got nerve damage in my big toe from the cold. I couldn’t feel my toe for two years. 

  17. What is the most embarrassing song on your iTunes? The Titanic theme song 

  18. What is your most embarrassing Sewanee story? When I was a freshman, if I didn’t want to makeout with a boy at a fat, I would tell them I was diabetic and needed an insulin shot.

  19. What is your favorite Sewanee theme party and why? Viking, because people would get fur and make their own costumes in the dead of winter. 

  20. What is on your Sewanee Bucket List? To hike the perimeter trail; doing that next week.


We’ll miss you Jane!!!