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“Ask for Consent, Respect the Reply”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Last week, the Wick had a beautiful idea… to CHALK messages outside of dorms and academic buildings encouraging people to ask for consent.  This is a huge step in the direction of showing our new freshman just how important it is to be aware of sexual assault and to look out for each other in their first weeks of school.  Not only is it necessary to show them our care about this topic, but also to remind each other as upperclassmen.  Sewanee is beautiful naturally, but through beautiful words being written in chalk, we can continue the conversation of RESPECT.

“YES means YES, and NO means NO”

There should be no iffy view on the word No.  Our community is one of my favorite aspects of Sewanee, and we should keep it as tight-knit as we can.

Here’s one of the chalk masterpieces that was posted by the Healthy Hut! Keep the Conversation going!




Madi is a Senior from Asheville, North Carolina. She has written for the Sewanee chapter of Her Campus since it was founded her Freshman year, and hopes to continue writing after graduation either as a journalist or through work in Public Relations. She loves laughing and hearing people's life stories!